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March 7, 2018

What Food Is This? Food Recognition Technology Can Tell You!

Table of Contents:

Get Started With Food Recognition

Try our New Food Recognition model in the wild and start building incredible (and tasty) apps that recognize over a thousand types of food down to the ingredient level!

At Clarifai, we spend a lot of time feeding yummy data to our artificial intelligence algorithm, so it’s only natural that we built a visual recognition model dedicated solely to food. With our Food Recognition model, you can now automatically recognize more than a thousand different foods in images and video, all the way down to the ingredient level. Check out these mouth-watering examples:





Who should use the Food Recognition model?

We built this model with health & fitness, lifestyle, travel, and food-centric apps and businesses in mind. For example, some developers have already created the Foodifai app which tells you how healthy (or, let’s be real, unhealthy) your meal is based on a photo. We’ll also be releasing a fun hack next week that recommends a recipe for you based on a picture of the contents of your refrigerator … follow our Facebook to get notified when it goes live!

Not only is the Food Recognition model great for building diet, cooking, and recipe apps, it’s also perfect for businesses in the travel and hospitality industry! Restaurant review platforms like Yelp, Foursquare, OpenTable, CaviarGrubHub, Seamless, etc. can use the Food Recognition model to categorize user-generated content automatically or manage a library of photos submitted by restaurants. The Food Recognition model can make media management much, much easier and help surface the right content to users!

As for consumer brands like Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Domino’s, Starbucks, Chipotle, etc. our Food Recognition model can provide deeper analytical insights into what dishes are most popularly photographed and shared by customers. So, if you’ve ever been curious whether pepperoni pizza or cheese pizza gets shared most on Twitter, here’s your chance to find out.

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How do you use the Food Recognition model?

The Food Recognition model can be used alone or with any of our other visual recognition models to enhance food-related results. For example, you could use the Travel Recognition model we released last month with the Food Recognition model to categorize which foods are eaten where. And, remember our Not Safe for Work (NSFW) Nudity Recognition model? You could use the NSFW Recognition Model with the Food Recognition Model to find #foodporn in the most literal sense. You know, if you’re into that kind of thing.

So, if you’re ready to nom nom nom on some delicious visual recognition technology, try our Food Recognition model and build something awe-inspiring. Be sure to share with us by emailing your hack or GitHub repo on our Slack Community.

We’re excited to release our new Food Recognition model into the wild, so you can start building incredible (and tasty) apps that recognize over a thousand types of food down to the ingredient level!