It helps to write blog by simply providing topic, outline, or a set of keywords, and the workflow generates a comprehensive draft that covers the subject

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Blog Writing 

This workflow helps to write blog by simply providing topic, outline, or a set of keywords, and the workflow generates a comprehensive draft that covers the subject matter effectively. It can also suggest headlines, sections, and key points, significantly reducing the research and ideation time. Furthermore, it can assist in editing by suggesting improvements in flow, grammar, and style.

Model used

This workflow uses the Mistral-7B Instruct Model with defined prompt template optimized for writing blogs.

How to use the Blog Writing workflow? 

Using Clarifai SDK

Export your PAT as an environment variable. Then, import and initialize the API Client.

Find your PAT in your security settings.

export CLARIFAI_PAT={your personal access token}

Prediction with the workflow

from clarifai.client.workflow import Workflow

workflow_url = ''

text = 'The impact of artificial intelligence on small businesses, focusing on automation, customer service, and personalized marketing strategies.'

summarisation = Workflow(workflow_url).predict_by_bytes( text.encode(), input_type="text")

# Get workflow results

Using Workflow

To utilize the Blog writing workflow, you can input text through the Blue Plus Try your own Input button and it will output the comprehensive draft blog.

  • Workflow ID
  • Description
    It helps to write blog by simply providing topic, outline, or a set of keywords, and the workflow generates a comprehensive draft that covers the subject matter effectively
  • Last Updated
    Mar 22, 2024
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