Workflow helps in generate marketing content that resonates with the target audience, driving engagement and reach.



Marketing Content Generation 

This workflow help content creators to craft compelling social media updates, including personalized marketing content for platforms like Facebook and Instagram

Model used

This workflow uses the GPT-4 Turbo Model with defined prompt template optimized for generating Marketing Content.

How to use the Marketing Content Generation workflow? 

Using Clarifai SDK

Export your PAT as an environment variable. Then, import and initialize the API Client.

Find your PAT in your security settings.

export CLARIFAI_PAT={your personal access token}

Prediction with the workflow

from clarifai.client.workflow import Workflow

workflow_url = ''

text = '''A campaign for a fitness app name 'Healthify' that focuses on the new year as a time for setting and achieving personal health goals, highlighting features that support these efforts.

Healthify provides smart meal plans personalized by our expert nutritionists and customized workout plans with our certified fitness coaches.'''

summarisation = Workflow(workflow_url).predict_by_bytes( text.encode(), input_type="text")

# Get workflow results

Using Workflow

To utilize the Marketing Content workflow, you can input text through the Blue Plus Try your own Input button and it will generate output content that resonates with the target audience, driving engagement and reach.

  • Workflow ID
  • Description
    Workflow helps in generate marketing content that resonates with the target audience, driving engagement and reach.
  • Last Updated
    Mar 22, 2024
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