
Identifies a variety of concepts in images and video including objects, themes, and more. Trained with over 10,000 concepts and 20M images.

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General Information

  • Purpose: Classifier for a variety of concepts, common objects, etc. This model is a great all-purpose solution for most visual recognition needs with industry-leading performance.

  • Architecture: Customized InceptionV2

  • Intended Use: image indexing by tags, filtering, cascade routing

  • Limitations: works well when content is prevalent in the image

Training/Test Data

The model was trained and tested on an internal dataset with 9,098 concepts and 20M images, with multiple concepts per image. The class distributions on train and validation sets are long-tailed. The validation set was annotated using a combination of originally curated labels with incomplete annotations, where were further completed by adding additional labels.


Adriatic, African, Afro, Allies, Altaic, Anglesey, Angora, Antarctic, Apache, Apollo, Apostle, Aquarius, Arabian camel, Argus, Aries, Army for the Liberation of Rwanda, Asian, Attic, Avon, Aztec, Basque, Bedouin, Berber, Bluegrass, Boise, Boletus, Brie, British pint, British pound, Broadway, Bruges, Buddha, Burgundy, Burmese, Byzantine, Cabernet, Caesar, Cajun, Camembert, Canis, Capital, Capricorn, Carnivora, Castro, Catalan, Celsius, Celt, Celtic, Chardonnay, Chinese cabbage, Chordata, Christmas, Cognac, Cologne, Colosseum, Colt, Communion, Confederate, Congress, Continent, Contra, Cornish, Crater, Crow, Crusader, Danish, Davis, Disneyland, Duke, Earth surface, Easter, Eden, Enlightenment, Epiphany, Eskimo, Eskimo dog, Europa, Everglades, FAQ, Freemason, Genoa, Georgian, Gerbera, Godhead, Goofy, Gospel, Gothic, Gouda, Graf, Greenland, H2O, Halloween, Harvard University, Heaven, Hebraic, Hercules, Hess, Hoover, Hosta, Hungarian, Hyla, Impressionism, Inca, International, Ionic, Jones, Junior, Jupiter, Jurassic, Koran, Kremlin, Kruger, Labrador retriever, Lake District, Lake Huron, Lama, Latin, Leeds, Lego, Lenin, Lepidoptera, Luna, Madonna, Mafia, Mandelbrot, Mara, Mars, Mary, Masai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Medicare, Mercury, Mercury (god), Merlin, Merlot, Messiah, Modern, Mojave, Moore, Moorish, Moresque, Muscat, Muse, Muslim, Napoleon, Nelumbo, Neptune, New Year, Nile, Nordic, Odonata, Olympia, Olympian, Olympic, Orion, Orthodox, Ottoman, Pacific, Panthera, Paradise, Parmesan, Parthenon, Passover, Pensacola, Ph.D., Phalaenopsis, Pharaoh, Pilate, Pinot, Pisa, Pisces, Plantae, Plasticine, Plumeria, Polish, Polish (language), Pomeranian, Powys, Protestantism, Raphael, Realtor, Renaissance, Resurrection, Roquefort, Rosaceae, Rottweiler, Sagittarius, Salientia, Satan, Saturn, Scorpio, Scot, Scotch, Sculptor, Serengeti, Shinto, Siberian, Siren, Slavic, Slovak, Stern, Stewart, Sumatra, Tao, Taoism, Taurus, Thai, Thanksgiving, Thompson, Tigris, Trafalgar, URL, United States Air Force, Utopia, Venetian, Viking, Virginia deer, Virgo, Vulcan, Wilderness, Wimbledon, Winchester, World Wide Web, Wright, X-ray, Yankee, Zen, Zion, a drive, abacus, abandoned, abbey, abby, abdomen, abdominal, abduct, abide by, abilities, ability, ablaze, abloom, abode, aboriginal, abound, abrasion, abrasive, abroad, abrupt fall, absence, absolute, absorber, abstract, abstraction, abstruse, abundance, abyss, academia, academic, academic degree, academy, acantha, accelerate, accelerator, accent, accent mark, accented note, acceptance, accesible, access, accessory, accident, accommodation, accompany, accomplishment, accordion, account, accumulation, accuracy, accurate, accusation, ace, ache, achievement, acid, acidic, acknowledge, acme, acorn, acoustic, acoustic guitar, acre, acrobat, acropolis, across, acrylic, acrylic fabric, acrylic fiber, act, act of giving, acting, action, action energy, action place, active, actor, actress, acupuncture, acute, acute blow, adaptation, add, add sugar, add-on, addiction, adding milk, addition, address, adept, adhesive, adhesive friction, adhesive tape, adipose tissue, adjust, adjustable wrench, administration, admiration, admission, admittance, admonish, admonition, adobe, adolescence, adolescent, adoption, adorable, adornment, adrenaline, adulation, adult, adulthood, advantage, advent, adventure, adverse, adversity, advertising, advice, advise, adviser, advisory, aeration, aerial, aero, aerobatics, aerobics, aerodynamic, aeronautics, aerosol, aerospace, aesthetic, aesthetics, affair, affection, affectionate, affluent, afraid, african elephant, afterlife, afternoon, aftershock, agape, agave, age, agency, agenda, agent, agglomerate, aggravation, aggregate, aggregated, aggress, aggression, aggressive disposition, agile, agility, agitate, agitated, agitation, agree, agreement, agreement (contract), agriculture, agriculturist, agronomy, aid, ailing, ailment, aim, air, air broadcast, air force, air pollution, airbags, airborne, airbrush, airbus, aircraft, airiness, airline, airliner, airmail, airplane, airport, airship, aisle, alarm clock, albino, album, alchemy, alcohol, ale, alert, alert system, alfa, alfresco, alga, algebra, algorithm, aligning, alignment, alive, alkaline, all right, all-terrian vehicles, allege, allegiance, allegory, allergy, alley, alliance, allies, alligator, allow, allowance, alloy, allspice, allure, allurement, allusion, ally, almanac, almond, aloe, aloft, aloha, alone, alpaca, alpen, alpha, alpha letter, alphabet, alpine, alright, altar, alter, alteration, alternative, alternative energy, altitude, alto, alto pitch, aluminum, alumni, amabilis fir, amateur, amaze, amazement, amazing, amber, ambiance, ambient, ambit, ambition, ambitious, ambulance, amend, amethyst, ammo, ammunition, amorous, amount, amount of money, amperage, ampere, ampere unit, amphibian, amphibious, amphitheater, amplifier, amusing, anaglyph, analog, analogue, analysis, analyst, analytics, analyze, analyzer, anatomic, anatomical, anatomy, ancestor, anchor, anchovy, ancient, android, anemone, angelfish, angle, angle bracket, angler, angry, anguish, angular, angular measurement, animal, animal hood, animal hoof, anise, anniversary, announcement, annoyance, annual, anonymous, answer, antelope, antenna, anthill, anthropomorphic, anti, antic, anticipation, antidote, antik, antioxidant, antipasto, antique, antiquity, antivirus, antler, anxiety, anxious, anxious (eager), anxiousness, apartment, ape, aperture, apiary, apocalypse, apology, app, apparatus, apparel, apparent, apparition, appeal to, appealing, appearance, append, appetite, appetizer, apple, apple tree, appliance, application, apply, applying, appoint, appointment, appraisal, appreciation, apprehend, apprentice, approach, appropriate, appropriation, approval, approximate, apricot, apron, aquarium, aquatic, arabesque, arabesque position, arabica, arable, arachnid, arbitration, arbor, arboretum, arcade, arch, archaeology, archaic, arched, archer, archer bow, archery, archipelago, architect, architectural styles, architecture, argument, argus, arid, aristocratic, arithmetic, armchair, arming, armor, army, army of people, aroma, aromatherapy, aromatic, around, arouse, arrange, arrangement, array, arrival, arrogance, arrow, arrow (bow and arrow), arrow line, arrow shaft, arsenal, arson, art, art engagement, artery, arthritis, artichoke, article, artificial, artificial intelligence, artisan, artistic, artistic minimalism, artistry, arts and crafts, artsy, arty, as-is, ascend, ascent, ascribe, ash, ashtray, aside, asleep, asparagus, asphalt, aspirin, assassin, assault, assemblage, assemble, assembled machine, assembly, assertion, assertiveness, assess, assessment, assign, assignment, association, assorted, assortment, assurance, asterism, aston, astonishing, astonishment, astounding, astrology, astronaut, astronomical observatory, astronomy, asymmetrical, asymmetry, athlete, athleticism, athletics, atlas, atm, atmosphere, atmospheric static, atoll, atom, atomizer, atomizer nebula, atrium, atrocious, attachment, attack, attempt, attendance, attention, attention deficit disorder, attic, attire, attitude, attractive, attribute, auburn, auction, audience, audio, audit, auditorium, aura, austere, austerity, authentication, author, authority, autism, auto racing, autocratic, autograph, autograph signature, automation, automotive, available, avalanche, avenue, average, avian, aviary, aviate, avocado, avocado pear, awaken, award, awareness, away, away abroad, awe, awesome, awning, axis, axle, azure, baboon, baby, baby boomer, baby sheep, babyish, bachelor girl, back, back out, backache, backboard, backcountry, background, backhand, backhoe, backlight, backlit, backpack, backpacker, backrest, backstage, backup, backyard, bacon, bacteria, bad, badge, badminton, bag, bagel, baguette, bail, bail (water), bait, baked goods, baker, bakery, baking, baking batch, balaclava, balance, balanced diet, balcony, balcony seating, bald, bald eagle, bale, ball, ball-shaped, ballad, ballerina, ballet, ballet dancer, balloon, ballot, ballpark, ballpoint, ballroom, balsam, bamboo, ban, banal, banana, band, band together, bandage, bandaged, bandana, bandit, bandwidth, bang, bang around, bang sound, bangle, bank, bank check, bank vault, banker, banking, banknote, bankrupt, bankruptcy, banner, banquet, banter, baptism, baptismal font, bar, barbaric, barbarous, barbecue, barbed wire, barbell, barber, bare, barefoot, bargain, barge, bark, barley, barley cereal, barn, barnyard, baroque, barrel, barren, barrette, barricade, barrier, bartender, basalt, base, baseball, baseball bat, baseball cap, baseball catcher, baseball glove, basement, basil, basin, basket, basketball, basketball court, basketball hoop, basketball player, basketful, bass, bassist, baste, bat, batch, batch together, bath, bathrobe, bathroom, bathtub, batik, battalion, batter, battery, battle, battle wound, battlefield, battleship, bay, bayonet, bazaar, beach, beachfront, beachwear, beads, beagle, beak, beaker, beam, bean, beanie, beard, beat, beautification, beautiful, beautify, beauty treatment, beaver, bebe, bed, bed slab, bedclothes, bedeck, bedrock, bedroom, bedtime, bee, beech, beechtree, beef, beef cattle, beefsteak, beehive, beekeeping, beer, beer bottle, beer glass, beeswax, beet, beetle, beetroot, beg, beginning, behavior, behavioral complex, behaviour, behemoth, belatedly, belay, belief, believer, bell, bell (music), bellows, belly, belonging, beloved, belt, bench, bend, beneath, benefit, beret, berry, beseech, best, bet, bet on, betrothal, better, bevel, bib, biblical, biceps, bicycle, big, big cat, bijouterie, bike, biker, bikini, bilberry, bill, billboard, bin, binary, bind, binder, binge drink, bingo, binoculars, bio, biochemistry, biodiversity, biohazard, biological, biologist, biology, biplane, birch, bird, bird beak, birdhouse, birdie, birdwatching, birth, birthday, birthday cake, birthday present, bison, bistro, bit, bite, bitter, bitumen, bivalve, bizarre, black and white, black olive, blackberry, blackbird, blackjack, blacksmith, blacktop, blade, blame, blanc, blank, blank space, blanket, blast, blaze, blazer, blazing, blazonry, bleachers, blemish, blend, blend together, blender, blending, blight, blind, blindfold, bling, blink of an eye, blinker, bliss, blister, blithe, blob, block, blockade, blogger, blond, blood, bloody, bloom, blooming, blossom, blossoming, blotch, blouse, blow, blow out, blower, blowing, blue sky, blueberry, bluegrass, blueprint, bluff, bluish, blume, blur, blush, board, board game, boarder, boardroom, boardwalk, boat, boat paddle, boathouse, boatman, bobbin, bobcat, bodice, bodily, bodily impact, body, bodybuilding, bodyguard, bog, bogey, boil, boiler, boiling, boiling liquid, boldness, bollard, bolt, bomb, bomber, bonbon, bonding, bone, bone fracture, bonfire, bonnet, bonsai, bonus, boogie, boogie-woogie, book, book bindings, book series, bookcase, bookkeeper, booklet, bookmark, bookstore, bookworm, boom, booth, booze, border surface, bore, boredom, boss, bot, botanical, bottle, bottom, bough, boulder, bounce, bound, boundary, bounty, bouquet, bourbon, bourgeon, bout, boutique, boutonniere, bow, bow and arrow, bow tie, bowed stringed instrument, bowl, bowler, bowling alley, box, boxcar, boxer, boy, boyfriend, bracelet, bracken, bracket, bracket out, bracket together, braid, brainsick, brainstorming, brake, bramble, bran, branch, brand, brand mark, brass, brass memorial, brassiere, brassy, bratwurst, brave, bravery, brawny, bread, break, breakable, breakdown, breakfast, breakfast grain, breaks, breakup, breast, breath, breathe, breathing, breathtaking, breeches, breed, breeze, brew, brewery, bribe, bric-a-brac, brick, bricklayer, brickwall, brickwork, bridal, bride, bridegroom, bridesmaid, bridge, bridge over, bridle, briefcase, briefs, bright, bright happy, bright light, brightly, brilliant, brim, brine, bring, brioche, bristle, brittle, broad, broadband, broadcast, broadcast reception, brocade, broccoli, broil, broken, broker, bronze, bronze metal, bronzing, brooch, broom, broth, brow, brownie, brownie cake, browse, browser, bruise, brunch, brunette, brush, brush off, brush up, brushed, brushing, brut, brutal attack, bubble, buck, bucket, buckle, buckwheat, bud, budge, budget, buff, buffet, buggy, buggy carriage, bugle, build, builder, building, bulb, bulbous, bulge, bulk, bull, bulldog, bulldozer, bullet, bulletin, bulletin board, bullfighter, bullion, bullring, bullseye, bully, bulwark, bumbershoot, bumblebee, bump, bumper, bumpkin, bumpy, bun, bunch, bundle, bungalow, bunker, bunny, bunt, buoy, bureau, bureaucracy, burger, burial, burlap, burlesque, burn, burner, burnished, burnt, burnt umber, bus, bus stop, bush, bushes, bushy, business, business card, business suit, businessperson, bust, bustle, busty, butcher, butchery, butt, butter, buttercup, butterfly, buttock, buttocks, button, button plant, buyer, buzz, buzzword, bygone, cabaret, cabbage, cabin, cabinet, cable, cable car, cacao, cactus, cad, cadaver, caddie, cadet, cafeteria, caffeine, cage, cake, cal, calamitous, calamity, calcium, calculator, calculus, caldera, calendar, calf, caliber, calibration, caliper, caliper measurement, call, call by phone, calla lily, called safe, caller, calligrapher, calligraphy, calm down, caloric, calve, calyx, camcorder, camel, camellia, cameraman, camisole, camouflage, camp, campaign, camper, campfire, campsite, campus, camshaft, can, canal, canape, candidate, candle, candlelight, candlestick, candy, candy brittle, candy cane, cane, canine, canister, cannabis, cannon, canoe, canopy, cantaloupe, canteen, canteen store, canter, canvas, canyon, cap, capacitor, capacity, cape, cape (land), capital, capitol, cappuccino, capsicum, capsule, captain, caption, captivation, captive, capture, car, car horn, car wash, carabiner, carafe, caramel, caramel syrup, carat, caravan, carbohydrate, carbon, card, card dealer, cardamom, cardboard, cardiac, cardigan, cardinal, cardiology, cardiovascular, care, care for, career, career (job), carefree, careless, caress, caretaker, cargo container, cargo ship, caricature, carmel, carnation, carnival, carnivore, carousel, carp, carpenter, carpentry, carpet, carriage, carrier, carrot, carrot (vegetable), carry, cart, cartography, carton, cartouche, cartridge, carve, carved, carving, cascade, case, cash, cashew, cashier, casing, casino, cask, casket, casserole, cassette, cast, cast iron, castle, casual, casual acquaintance, casualty, cat, catalog, catamaran, cataract, catastrophe, catch, catcher, category, catering, caterpillar, cathedral, cattail, cattle, catwalk, cauldron, cauliflower, causal agent, caution, cautious, cavalry, cavalryman, cave, caveat, cavern, cavern out, caviar, cavity, cayenne, cease, cedar, ceiling, celebration, celebratory, celery, celery stalk, celestial, cell, cell nucleus, cello, cellular, cellular telephone, cellulose, cement, cemetary, cemetery, cenotaph, cent, centennial, centerpiece, centimeter, central, centrefold, century, cephalopod ink, ceramic, cereal, cerebral, cerebral cortex, ceremony, certificate, certified, chain, chair, chaise longue, chakra, chalet, chalk, chalk out, chalkboard, challenge, chamber, chameleon, chamfer, chamomile, champagne, champignon, champion, championship, chance, chandelier, change, changeable, chanterelle, chaos, chaotic, chap, chapel, chapter, char, character, charcoal, charge, charger, chariot, charismatic, charitable act, charity, charity benefit, charming, chart, charter, chassis, chateau, cheap, cheat, check, checkerboard, checklist, checkout, cheddar, cheek, cheeky, cheerful, cheerleader, cheese, cheesecake, cheetah, chef, chemic, chemical, chemical reaction, chemise, chemistry, cherry, cherry tomato, cherub, chess, chess rook, chest of drawers, chestnut, chew, chew food, chewy, chewy texture, chi, chic, chicken, chicken coop, chickpea, chief, chiffon, child, childcare, childish, childlike, chili, chill, chilled, chime, chimpanzee, chin, chine, chip, chip in, chip shot, chipmunk, chisel, chitchat, chivalry, chive, chives, chlorophyll, chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate candy, choice, choir, choker, cholesterol, choose, chop, chop up, chopper, chord, christmas card, christmas present, christmas tree, chrome, chromosome, chronometer, chrysanthemum, chubby, chuck, chum salmon, chunk, church, church official, churn, chute, cider, cigar, cilantro, cinema, cinematic, cinematography, cinnamon, cipher, circle, circuit, circuitry, circular, circulation, circus, cirrus, cirspy, citadel, citizen, citizenship, citric, citron, citrus, city, city hall, cityscape, civic, civil, civil composure, civil war, civilian, claim, clam, clamber, clamp, clang, clap, clapboard, clapper, clapping, claret, clarity, clash, clasp, class, classic, classical music, classical style, classified, classmates, classroom, classy, clause, claw, clay, clean, clean-cut, cleaner, cleanse, cleanup, clear, clearance, cleavage, cleave, cleaver, clef, cleft, clematis, clementine, clergy, clergy member, cleric, clerk, clever, click, cliff, climate, climate change, climb, climber, cling, clinging plant, clinic, clinical neurology, clip, clipboard, cloak, cloak covering, clobber, clock, clockwise, clockwork, clog, cloister, clone, close, close in, closet, closeup, clothesline, clothespin, cloud, cloudiness, cloudscape, cloudy, clove, clover, clown, club, cluster, clutch, coaching, coal, coal fuel, coastal, coaster, coat, coat of arms, cobalt, cobble, cobblestone, cobra, cobweb, cockamamie, cockatoo, cockerel, cockle, cockleshell, cockpit, cocktail, cocktail dress, coconut, coconut fruit, code, coffe, coffee, coffee break, coffee cup, coffee table, coffin, cog, coil, coiling, cola, colander, cold, collaboration, collaborators, collage, collapse, collar, colleague, collect, collection, collector, college, collie, collision, colon, colonial, colony, color, coloring, colt, column, com, comb, combat, combination, combination arrangement, combustion, come back, comedy, comestible, comet, comfort, comfort food, comfy, comic, comic event, comida, coming together, command, commando, commemorate, commemorative, commendable, commendation, comment, commerce, commercial, commission, commit, commitment, commonwealth, communication, communion table, commuter, commuting, compact, companion, companionship, company, comparability, comparison, compartment, compass, compatibility, compensation, compete, competing, competition, completion, complex, complex number, complexion, complicate, complication, compliment, component, composition, composition mixture, compost, composure, compote, compound, comprehend, comprehensive examination, compression, compressor, compromise, compulsion, computer, computer graphic, computer network, computer science, computer simulation, computerize, computerized, comrade, concealer, concentrate, concentration, conceptual, concern, concert, concert hall, concerto, conch, concours, concrete, concrete decision, condensation, condenser, condiment, condition, conditioner, condom, condominium, condor, conductor, cone, coneflower, coneflower plant, confection, confectionery, confederate, confederation, conference room, confession, confetti, confidant, confidence, confidential, confidential classification, configuration, confined, confinement, confirm, confirmation, conflict, conformity, confront, confrontation, confusion, congeries, congestion, congrats, congratulate, congratulation, congratulations, congregation, congregation assembly, conifer, coniferous, conjecture, connect, connection, connector, connive, conquest, conscious, consciousness, conservation, conservatory, considerate, console, consonant, conspiracy, constancy, constellation, constituent, constituent substance, constrained, constraint, construction, construction studs, construction worker, consultation, consulting, consumption, contact, container, container ship, contaminant, contamination, contemplation, contemporary, contend, content, contentment, continent, continental, contingent, continue, continuity, continuum, contour, contraceptive, contract, contractor, contradict, contrast, contrived, control, controversy, conundrum, convenience, convenient, convention, convergence, conversation, conversion, convertible, convex, convey, conveyance, conveyer belt, conviction, cook out, cookbook, cooker, cookie, cooking, cooking broth, cooking oil, cookout, cookware, cool, cooler, cooperation, coordination, copper, copter, copy, copybook, coquette, coquettish, coral, cord, cordage, cordless, core, corgi, coriander, corinthian, corkboard, corkscrew, cormorant, corn, corncob, cornea, corner, corner intersection, corner nook, cornet, cornfield, cornflakes, cornflower, cornice, corolla, coronation, corporate, corporation, corps, corpus, corral, correct, correction, correspondence, corrode, corrosion, corrugated, corrugation, corruptness, corset, cortex, cos, cosmetology, cosmic, cosmopolitan, cosmos, costly, costume, cote, cottage cheese, cotton, councellor, council, counsel, countdown, counter, counterfeit, counterpart, country, countryside, county, coupe, couple, couple together, coupon, courage, courgette, course, court, courthouse, courtship, courtyard, couscous, couture, cove, covenant, cover, cover ground, coverage, coverage (insurance), covering tissue, cow, cow pen, cowboy, cowboy hat, cowgirl, cowhide, cowman, coworkers, coy, coyote, cozy, cpu, crab, crack, crack-up, cracker, crackle, craft, craftiness, craftsmanship, craftsperson, crafty, crag, cragged, cram, cramp, cranberry, crane, crane bird, cranium, crank, crank (bend), crankshaft, craps, crash, crash helmet, crash land, crate, crater, cravat, crave, craving, crawly, crayfish, crayon, craze, crazy, crazy about, cream, cream cheese, creamy, crease, create, creation, creative activity, creativity, creator, creature, credit, credit card, creek, creep, creep up, creeper, creepy, creme, crepe, crescent, cress, cress plant, crest, crevasse, crew, crib, cricket, criminal maintenance, crinkled, crisis, crisp, crisped, crispen, crisscross, crisscrossed, criticality, criticism, critter, crock, crocodile, crocus, croft, croissant, crop, cropland, cross, cross land, cross mark, cross section, cross-fold, crosshatch, crossing, crossroad, crossword, crouching, crouton, crow, crowbar, crowd, crown, croydon, crucifixion, cruise, cruise ship, cruiser, crumb, crumble, crumple, crumpled, crunch, crunching, crunchy, crush, crust, crustacean, crusty, crutch, cry, crypt, crystal, crystal clear, crystalline, cub, cube, cubic, cubism, cuckoo, cucumber, cuddle, cuddly, cue, cuff, cuisine, culinary, cultivar, cultivation, culture, cumin, cumin seed, cumulonimbus, cumulus, cunning, cup, cupboard, cupid, cupola, curb, curd, cure, curiosity, curious, curl, curler, curly, curmudgeonly, currant, currency, current, curry, cursor, curtain, curve, curvy, cushion, custard, custoday, custodian, customer, customizable, cut, cut up, cute, cuticle, cutlery, cutlet, cutoff, cutout, cutter, cutting, cyborg, cyclist, cyclone, cyclonic, cylinder, cylindrical, cymbal, cypress, cytosmear, czar, dab, dachshund, daddy, daffodil, dagger, dahlia, daily, daily occurence, dainty, dairy, dairy product, dalmatian, dam, damage, damask, dame, damp, dampen, dampness, damselfly, dancer, dancing, dandelion, dandy, danger, dangerous, dangle, dangling, daring, dark, darling, dart, dartboard, dash, dashboard, data, database, date, date to, dawn, day by day, daycare, daydream, daydreaming, daylight, dazzle, deadline, deadly, deaf, deal, dealer, dealership, dearly, debit, debt, debutante, decadent, decay, decease, deceiver, decide, deciduous, decision, deck, declaration, decline, deco, decomposition, decorate, decoration, decorative flag, decrease, decree, decrement, decrepit, dedication, dedication (book), deejay, deep, deep respect, deer, defeat, defence, defender, defense, define, defined, definition, deflation, deflationary spiral, deflect, deflection, defocus, deformation, degradation, degree, dehydrated, dehydration, delegate, delicate, delicatessen, delicious, delight, delirious, delirium, delivery, delta, deluxe, delve, demacation, demand, demo, democracy, demolished, demolition, demon, demonstration, dendrite, denial, denim, denomination, dense, dent, dental, dental floss, dentistry, dentition, denture, deny, deodorant, department, department store, departure, depiction, deposit, depth, depths, derelict, dermatology, descend, descending, descent, describe, description, desert, design, designing, desirable, desire, desiring, desk, desktop, desktop computer, despair, desperation, destination, destiny, destroing blow, destroyer, destruction, detachment, detail, detective, detergent, deterioration, determination, detox, devastation, develop, device, devoid, devotedness, devotion, dew, dewy, diabetes, diagnose, diagnosis, diagonal, diagram, dial, dial in, dialogue, diametric, diamond, diamond stone, diamondback, diaper, diaphragm, diary, dice, dictator, dictionary, die, diesel, diet, dietary, difference, difficult, difficulty, diffuse, dig, dig into, dig up, digestible, digestion, digital camera, dilemma, diligent, dill, dimension, dimension measure, dimensional, diminishing, diminution, dimple, diner, dingbat, dining, dining room, dinner, dinner jacket, dinnerware, dinosaur, diode, dioxide, dip, diploma, diplomacy, diplomat, dipper, direct, directly, director, directory, dirndl, dirty, disagreement, disallow, disappointment, disarray, disbelief, discard, discharge, discipline, disclosure, disco, discoloration, discontent, discotheque, discount, discover, discovery, discussion, disease, disguise, disgust, dish, dishonesty, dishware, dishwasher, disinfectant, disintegrate, disjunct, disk, diskette, dismay, disoblige, disorder, disorderliness, disorganized, dispenser, dispersion, display, displayed, displeased, disposal, disposition, dispute, disquieted, disrepair, dissipate, dissolve, dissolving, dissonant sound, dissuade, distance, distance (elevation), distant, distillery, distinct, distinction, distortion, distraction, distraught, distribution, district, district , disturbance, ditch, ditch digging, diva, divan, diver, diverse, divide, divider, diving, diving event, divinity, division, divorce, dizziness, do over, dock, docklands, doctor, docudrama, document, documentary, dodge, dodger, dof, dog, dogwood, doily, doll, dollar, dollhouse, dolly, dolphin, dolphinfish, domain, dome, domestic, domicile, domino, donation, done, doom, door, doorknob, doorway, dope, doric, dormer, dosage, dot, dotted, double, double bed, doubt, dough, doughnut, down to a science, downhill, download, downpour, downtown, downy, dozen, draft, drag, drag race, dragon, dragonfly, dragster, drain, drainage, drake, drama, dramatic, dramatic scene, drapery, drawbridge, drawer, dreadlock, dream, dreamer, dreaming, dreamy, dredge, dress, dressage, dressing room, dressing table, dressmaker, dressy, dribble, dribbler, dried fruit, drift, driftwood, drill, drill bit, drink, drinking water, drip, drive, drive in, driver, driveway, drizzle, drop, droplet, dropper, drought, drug, drum, drummer, drumstick, drunk, drunkard, dry, dryer, dryness, dual, dub, duck, duckling, duct, dud, due, duel, dug-out pool, duke, dumb, dumbbell, dump, dumpling, dune, dungeon, dungeon cell, dunk, duotone, duplicate, dusk, dust, duster, dusty, duty, duty assignment, duvet, dwarf, dye, dynamic, dynasty, eager, eagle, ear, early, earned run average, earnestness, earthenware, earthiness, earthmover, earthquake, easel, easter egg, easy chair, eater, eaves, ebb, ebony, eccentric, echinoderm, echo, eclectic, eclipse, eco, ecological niche, ecology, economical, economics utility, economy, ecosystem, ecotourism, ecstasy, ecstatic, edge, edgy, edible, edible agaric, edification, edition, editor, editorial, education, eel, eerie, effect, effectiveness , efficiency, effigy, effort, effortless, effulgence, effusion, egg, egg yolk, eggcup, eggplant, eggshell, egret, ejection, elaboration, elapsed, elastic, elated, elation, elbow, elder, elderly, election, electric fan, electric guitar, electrical filter, electricity, electro, electromagnet, electronics, electronics monitor, elegant, element, elementary, elementary school, elephant, elephant trunk, elevated, elevation, elf, elite, ellipse, elongate, elusive, email, embankment, embarrassment, embassy, emblem, embodiment, embody, embossed, embrace, embroidered, embroidery, embryo, emerald, emergence, emergency, eminent, emission, emit, emit gas, emoticon, emp, emperor, emphasize, emphatic stress, empire, employee, employment, empty, emu, emulation, emulsion, en-coffin, enamel, enamel surface, enchantment, enchantress, enclose, enclosure, encoding, encounter, encouragement, encyclopedia, end, endanger, endangered, endangered species, endemic, endemic to, ending, endless, endorsement, endurance, endure, enduringness, enemy, energetic, energizer, energy, enforce, enforcement, engagement, engagement ring, engine, engraving, enhancement, enjoyment, enlightenment, enrichment, ensemble, enterprise, entertainment, enthusiasm, enthusiast, entire, entirety, entomology, entrance, entree, entrepreneur, entrust, entry, envelop, envelope, enviroment, environment, environmental, envy, ephemera, ephemeral, epic, epicure, epidermis, equality, equator, equestrian, equid, equilibrium, equine, equipment, equity, equity (finance), era, eraser, erosion, erotic, eroticism, error, eructation, eruption, escalator, escape, escaping, esoteric, especial, esplanade, espresso, essential, establishment, estate, estate manor, estimate, etching, eternal, eternity, ethernet, ethical, ethics, eucalyptus, euphoria, eureka, euro, evacuation, evaluation, evaporate, eve, evening, event, evergreen, everything, evidence, evil, evolution, evolve, ewe, exacting, exactness, exaggerated, examine, example, excavation, excellence, exception, excess, exchange, excitement, exclaiming, exclamation, exclusion, exclusive, excursion, executive, exercise, exert, exfoliation, exhaust, exhaust fumes, exhibit, exhibition, exhilaration, exile, exist, existent, exit, exotic, exoticism, expand, expansion, expansive, expect, expectancy, expectation, expedition, expense, expensive, experience, experienced, expert, expertise, expired, explain, explaining, explanation, exploitation, exploration, explosion, export, export abroad, expose, exposed, exposition, express, expression, expressionism, expressway, expulsion, exquisite, extension, extent, exterior, external, external conditions, extinction, extra, extraction, extraordinary, extraterrestrial being, extravagance, extremely, extremist, extremity, eye, eye contact, eyeball, eyebrow, eyeglasses, eyelash, eyelid, eyeliner, eyeshadow, eyesight, eyewear, fable, fabric, fabric bolt, facade, face, face disguise, face-off, faceguard beaver, facial, facial expression, facial hair, factor, facts, fad, fade, failling, failure, fair booth, fair weather, fairground, fairway, fairy, fairytale, faithfulness, falcon, falconry, fall, fall down, fallen, falling out, false, fame, familiar, family, famine, famous, fanatic, fancy, fancy stitching, fang, fantasize, fantastic, fantasy, far-out, farcical, fare, farm, farmers market, farmhouse, farming, farmland, farmstead, farmyard, fascination, fashion, fashion show, fashionable, fast, fastener, fat, fatality, fatigue, fatten, faucet, fault, favor, favorable reception, favorite, fawn, fear, feast, feather, feather boa, feathered, feathery, feature, feature of speech, featured article, fecundity, federal, fedora, fee, feeler, feeling lonely, feline, fellate, felt up, feminism, femme, fence, fender, fennel, ferment, ferment substance, fern, ferris wheel, ferry, fertility, fest, festa, festival, festoon, festoon curtain, feta, fete, fetid, fettuccine, fetus, fever, fiancee, fiber, fibrous, fiction, fidelity, field, fiesta, fig, fight, fighter, figment, figure, figurine, filament, file, filigree, fillet, filly, film director, film festival, filmstrip, filter, filth, filthy, fin, final, finance, financial, financial commitment, financial failure, financial security , finch, finding, fine, fine (greeting), fine-looking, finery, finest, finger, fingerboard, fingernail, fingerprint, fingerprint (finger), finish line, fink, fir, fire extinguisher, fireball, firecracker, firehouse, fireplace, firewall, firewood, firework, fireworks, firm, first aid, fish, fish filet, fish scales, fishbowl, fisher, fisherman, fishery, fisheye, fishing boat, fishing gear, fishing rod, fishnet, fissure, fist, fit, fitness, five, fixate, fixture, fizz, fizzing, fjord, flag, flag signal, flagpole, flaky, flame, flame tree, flamenco, flamingo, flammable, flap, flare, flash, flash of light, flasher, flashlight, flashy, flask, flat, flathead, flathead fish, flatland, flatware, flaunt, flavor, flavorful, flaw, flawless, flax, flea, flea market, fleck, fleece, fleet, flesh, fleshy, fleur, flex, flexibility, flexible, flick, flick (light), flicker, flicker woodpecker, flight, flip, flipper, flippers, flirt, flocculent, flock, flood, floodlight, floor, floorboard, flop, flora, floral, flores, floret, florist, florist (occupation), floss, flour, flourish, flow, flowchart, flower, flower arrangement, flower head, flowerbed, flowerpot, flowery, flue, fluff, fluffy, fluid, fluid circulation, fluke, fluorescent, flush, flute, fly, flyer, flying, flying dragon, flyover, foal, foam, foamy, focal, focus, fodder, foe, fog, foil, folder, folklore, follower, folly, foment, fondant, fondness, food, food court, foolishness, foot, footage, football, football field, football pass, football player, football stadium, football tackle, footboard, footbridge, footlocker, footmark, footpath, footprint, footprints, footrace, footstep, footwear, foraging, forbidden, force, force out, foreboding, forecast, forefront, foreground, forehand, forehead, foreigner, forensic, foreshore, forestry, forever, forewarning, forex, forge, forget, forgiveness, fork, forklift, form, formal, formal garden, formalwear, former, formula, fort, forte, forte (fencing), forthcoming, fortication, fortification, fortified, fortify, fortress, forum, forward, forwards, fossil fuel, foster, foul, foulard, found, founder, foundry, fountain, fountain pen, four, four-sided, fox, fox (person), fractal, fraction, fracture, fracture (break), fragility, fragment, fragmented, fragrant, frail, frame, framework, frangipani, fraternity, fraud, frayed, freak, freckle, free, freedom, freehand, freelance, freelancer, freestanding, freestyle, freeze, freezer, freight, freight rate, french fries, frequency, fresco, freshly, freshness, freshwater, fret, fried egg, friendly, friendship, frieze, frigate, fright, frighten, frill, frock, frog, frolic, frond, front, frontal, frontier, frost, frosty, frosty weather, frothing, frowning, frozen, frozen yogurt, fructose, fruit, fruit salad, fruit seed, fruit tree, fruitage, fruitcake, fruity, frustration, fry, frying pan, fuchsia, fudge, fuel, full, full moon, fullness, fume, fun, fundraiser, funeral, fungus, funk, funky, funnel, funny, fur, fur coat, furious, furnace, furniture, furrow, furry, fuse, fuselage, fusion, future, futuristic, fuzz, fuzzy, gable, gaiety, gain, gal, gala, galactic, galaxy, gallery, gallon, gallop, gambler, gambling, game, game half, gameplan, gameplan (sports), gamma, gang, garage, garbage, gard, garden, gargantuan, gargoyle, garlic, garment, garnish, garter, gas, gas attack, gas pedal, gas station, gash, gasoline, gastropod, gate, gateway, gather, gathering, gauge, gauze, gavel, gazebo, gazelle, gear, gearshift, gecko, geek, geisha, gel, gelatin, gelding, gem, geminate, gender, genealogy, generator, generosity, generous, genetics segregation, genius, gentle, gentleman, gentleness, gentlewoman, genuine, genus viola, geo, geography, geological era, geological formation, geology, geometric, geometrical, geometry, geothermal, geranium, german shepherd, germination, gesticulate, gesture, get, get at, getaway, geyser, ghastly, gherkin, ghetto, ghost, ghostly apparition, ghoul, giant, giant animal, giant enterprise, gift, gift to, gigabyte, giggle, gilt, gin, ginger, ginger plant, gingerbread, gingham, ginkgo, giraffe, girder, girl, girlie, give up, giving, glacier, glade, gladiator, gladness, glam, glamour, glance, glare, glass, glass items, glassing, glassware, glassy, glaze, glazed, gleam, gleaming, glen, glide, glider, glimmer, glimpse, glint, glisten, global warming, globetrotter, globus, gloom, glorification, glory, gloss, gloss over, gloves, glucose, glue, glutton, gluttony, gnaw, go out with, goal, goalie, goalkeeper, goat, goatee, goatskin glove, goblet, god, goddess, godly, goggles, going out, gold, gold piece, golden retriever, goldfish, golf, golf bunker, golf club, golfer, gondola, gondolier, gone, gong, good, good humor, goody, goose, goose flesh, gooseberry, gorge, gorgeous, gorilla, gosling, gospel, gossip, goth like, gouache, goulash, gourd, gourd (vegetable), gourd bottle, government, governor, gown, gown (clothing), grab, grabber, gradation, grade, gradient, graduation, graffiti, grain, gram, gram molecule, grammar, gramophone, granary, grand, grandma, grandstand, granite, granitic, granny, granola, grant, granted audience, granular, grape, grapefruit, grapevine, graph, graph plot, graphic, graphic design, graphite, grappling, gras, grasp, grasping, grass, grasshopper, grassland, grassy, grate, grater, gratification, gratitude, grave, gravel, gravitation, gravity, gravy, gray, graze, grease, greasy, great, great affection, great span , greatest, grebe, greed, green tea, greenery, greenhouse, greet, greeting, greeting card, grenade, grenadine, grey, grid, grief, grimace, grind, grinder, grinder tool, grip, gritty, grizzly, groats, grocer, groom, groomed, groove, groovy, gross, grotesque, grotto, ground, grounded, grounds, groundwork, group, group together, grouping, grout, grove, grow, grown, growth, grub, grungy, guacamole, guarantee, guard, guerrilla, guess, guest, guidance, guide, guide to, guilloche, guilt, guilty, guitar, guitarist, gulf, gummy, gun, gun barrel, gun holster, gun pellet, gunman, gunpowder, guru, gush, gusto, gutter, gutter stream, guy, gymnast, gymnastics, gyro, habit, hacker, hair, hair's-breadth, hairbrush, haircut, hairdo, hairdresser, hairy, half, half length, halftone, hallucination, hallucinatory, hallucinogen, hallway, halo, halogen, halter, halter top, ham, hammer, hammer bells, hammer forge, hammock, hamster, hand, hand tool, handball, handball game, handbook, handcraft, handcuff, handcuffs, handicap, handicraft, handkerchief, handle, handlebar, handling, handmade, handprint, handrail, handset, handshake, handstand, handwriting, handwritten, handy, hang, hanger, hanging, hangover, happiness, harass, harassment, harbor, hard, hardball, hardcore, hardcover, hardhat, hardwood, hardy, hare, harlequin, harmonic, harmony, harness, harp, harrow, harvest, has feature, hash, hastely, hatch, hatchback, hatching, hatchling, hate, haulage, haunt, haute couture, haven, having bugs, hawk, hawthorn, hay, hayfield, haying, haystack, hazardous, haze, hazel, hazel wood, hazelnut, hazelnut tree, head, head up, headband, headboard, headdress, heading, headlight, headline, headquarters, headscarf, headset, headshot, headwear, healing, health, healthcare, healthy, heart, heartbeat, hearth, heartily, hearty, heat, heated, heater, heath, heathen, heather, heathland, heavenly, heavy, hedge, height, heirloom, held, held up, helicopter, helium, helix, hello, helm, helmet, helping, helplessness, hemisphere, hen, herald, heraldry, herb, herb of grace, herbage, herbal, herbal medicine, herbivore, herd, herder, herdsman, heritage, hero, hero sandwich, heroic person, heroine, heron, herpetology, hest, hexagon, hibiscus, hide, hideaway, hideous, hierarchy, hieroglyph, high, high quality, high regard, high spot, high-tech, higher, higher amount, highest, highlight, hight, highway, hijab, hike, hiking, hill, hillside, hilltop, hind, hinge, hint, hip, hip-hop, hippopotamus, hire, hiring, historic, hit, hit (collide), hit (strike), hit target, hitch, hitchhike, hitchhiker, hockey stick, hoe, hoe (dig), hog, hoggish, hoist, hold on, holder, hole, holistic, hollow, hollow socket, holly, hologram, holster, holy, home, home (location), home appliance, home-coming, homecoming, homeland, homely, homemade, homeopathy, homeowner, homestead, homework, homey, honed, honesty, honey, honeybee, honeycomb, honeymoon, honor, honour, hood, hoof, hook, hop, hop-skip, hopelessness, horizon, horizontal, horizontal plane, hormone, horn, horoscope, horror, horse, horse back, horse pony, horse racing, horse riding, horseback, horsepower, horseshoe, horticulture, hose, hosiery, hospital, hostel, hostility, hot, hot chocolate, hot spring, hot tub, hot-air balloon, hotdog, hotel, hotel guest, hotel room, hotline, hotrod, hottie, hound, hounddog, hourglass, house, houseboat, housekeeper, houseplant, housework, hove, hover, howl, hub, hue, hug, huge, hull, human, humid, hummingbird, humor, humrous, hunch, hung, hunger, hungriness, hungry, hunt, hunter, hunting dog, hurdle, hurricane, hurry, hurt, husk, husking, hut, hyacinth, hybrid, hybrid mix, hydrangea, hydration, hydro, hydroelectric, hydrogen, hydropower, hygiene, hygienics, hype, hyperspace, hyphen, hypnagogic, hypnosis, hypnotic, hypodermic, hypothesis, hysteria, ibis, ice, ice cooler, ice hockey, ice lolly, ice skate, iceberg, icee, icicle, iciness, icy, ideal, identical, identification, identify as, identifying trait, identity, ideogram, idiom, idleness, idol, idyllic, ignite, ignition, ignition system, ignorance, ile, ill-mannered, illegal, illness, illuminated, illumine, illusion, illustration, ilustrative sketch, image, imagery, imbalance, imbibe, imbue, imitation, immature, immense, immobile, immunity, impact, impair, impala, impatience, impatient, impede, imperial, imperious, implement, import, important, imposing, impress, impression, impressiveness, imprint, imprinted, imprisonment, improve, improvement, in a pinch, in agreement, in possession, in regard, inauguration, incandescence, incense, incentive, inch, incident , incision, inclination, incline, inclining, income, incomplete, inconvenience, incorrect, incorrectly, increase, incredible, incubator, indemnity, index, indicator, indie, indie pop, indigenous, indispensible, individual, individuality, indoors, indorsement, indulgence, indulgence (religion), industry, inebriated, inert, infancy, infantile, infection, inferno, infertility, infestation, infielder, infinity, inflammation, inflated volley ball, inflation, inflight, influence, influencer, influenza, informal, information, infrared, infrared frequency, infrastructure, infusing, infusion, ingot, ingredients, inhalation, inhaler, inheritance, initial launch, initiate, initiated, initiation, injection, injured, injury, ink, inkblot, inkwell, inland, inland region, inlay, inlay decoration, inlet, inner, inner surface, innocence, input, inquisition, insanity, inscription, insect, insect grub, insecurity, insert, inside, insight, insignia, insitute, inspector, inspiration, inspirational, installation, installing, instillation, institution, instrument, insubstantial, insufficiency, insulation, insulin, insurance, intact, intake, integer, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, intensity, intensiveness, interaction, interest, interface, interior, interior decoration, interior design, interlock, internet, interrogation, interrogative, intersection, interstate, intertwine, interval, interview, intimacy, intimate, intimate relationship, intimidation, intoxicate, intoxicated, intricacy, intricate, intrigue, intro, introduce, introduce someone, introducing, introduction, intuition, invader, invalid, invasion, invention, inventory, invertebrate, investigation, investment, investor, invigoration, invisible, invitation, invoice, involvement, ion, ios, iota, iridescent, iron, ironworks, irreligious, irrigation, irritant, island, isle, iso, isolate, isolated, isometric, item, iterate, iteration, itinerary, ivory, ivy, jab, jacket, jackpot, jade, jag, jail, jalapeno, jam, jar, jar container, jardin, jargon, jasmine, jasper, jaunt, java, jaw, jay, jazz, jelly, jellyfish, jersey, jest, jester, jet, jetliner, jetty, jewelry, jewelry band, jib, jigsaw, jigsaw puzzle, jingle, jingle-jangle, job, jockey, jog, jogger, join together, joint, joke, joker, jokey, jolly, jolt, jonquil, jot down, jotting, journal, journalism, journalist, journey, joy, joyous, joystick, jubilee, judge, judgment, judicial, judo, jug, juggle, juice, juicer, juicy, jumble, jump, jumper, jumping, junction, jungle, junior, juniper, juniper shrub, junk, junkyard, justice, jute, juvenile, kale, kaleidoscope, kaleidoscope (toy), kangaroo, karaoke, karate, kayak, kebab, keep, keep from harm, keg, kegful, kelp, kennel, kerchief, kernel, ketchup, kettle, key, keyboard, keyhole, keywords, khaki, kick, kick goal, kicker, kilt, kimono, kin, kind, kindergarten, kindling, kinetic, kingdom, kingfish, kink, kiss, kit, kit (animal), kit (case), kit up, kitchenware, kite, kitsch, kitten, kiwi, kiwi bird, knead, knee, knee bend, knee high, kneel, kneeling, knife, knife blade, knight, knit, knitting, knitwear, knob, knock, knockout, knot, know, know-how, knowledge, knowledgeable, known, knuckle, knuckle down, kraft, kumquat, label, labor, laboratory, laborious, labyrinth, lace, lace tie, lace up, laceration, lacework, lack, lacquer, lacrosse, lactose, lacy, ladder, ladle, lady, ladybug, lager, lagoon, lair, lake, lakeside, lamb, laminate, lamp, lamppost, lan, land, land basin, landfill, landmark, landscape, lane, language, lantern, lapland, lapse, laptop, larch, large, larva, lasagna, laser, lash, lass, lasso, last, latch, latching, late, late breakfast, late stage, latex, lathe, latitude, latitude (geography), lattice, laugh, laughing, laughter, launch, laundering, laundry, laundry detergent, laundry facility, laurel, laurels, lava, lavatory, lavender, lavender (flower), lavender color, law, law enforcement, lawn, lawyer, lax, lay, lay claim, layer, layout, lazy, lazy susan, lead, leader, leadership, leaf, leaflet, leafy, league, leak, leaky hole, leap, leaping insect, learner, lease, lease contract, leather, lecture, ledge, leek, left, legal, legal separation, legal system, legend, legendary, leggy, legislation, legislature, legume, leisure, leisurely walk, lemon, lemonade, lemur, length, lens, lentil, lentil plant, leopard, leopard pelt, leotard, leprechaun, less, lessening, lesson, letter, letterhead, letterpress, lettuce, levee, level plane, lever, lever bar, levitation, levy, liberal, liberalization, liberate, libertarian, liberty, library, license, lichen, lick, lid, lie, lie down, lifeboat, lifeguard, lifeless, lifesaving, lifestyle, lift, lift in position, lifting, lifting up, light, lighten up, lightening, lighters, lighthouse, lightly, lightning, lightweight, like, likely, lilac, lily, lime, lime tree, limestone, limit, limitation, limousine, limp caller, limpid, line, line segment, linear, linen, liner, lingerie, lion, lioness, lips, lipstick, liqueur, liquid, liquidity, liquor, list, literary work, literature, lithograph, litter, little, live up to, liven, liver, livestock, lizard, llama, load, loaded, loader, loader (weapons), loaf, loan, lobby, lobe, lobster, local, locate, location, lock, locker, locket, locksmith, locomotive, locust, lodge, loft, loft store, lofty, log, log cabin, logic, logical, login, logistics, logo, loin, lollipop, lone, loneliness, lonely, lonesome, long, longhair, longitude, loofa, look, looking, lookout, loom, loop, loot, lorry, loss, lost, lot, lotion, lottery, lotto, lotus, loud, loudly, lounge, loupe, lovable, love, love knot, low, low tide, low-cal, lowbrow, loyal, loyalty, lubrication, luck, lucky, luggage, lumberman, luminescence, lump, lunar, lunch, lung, lupine, lupus erythematosus, lure, lush, lust, luster, lusty, lux, luxurious, luxury, lynx, lyric, ma, mac, macaque, macaroni, macaroon, macaw, machine, machine gun, machinery, machinist, macho, mackerel, maculation, made, magazine, magic, magic wand, magician, magistrate, magma, magnet, magnification, magnificence, magnificent, magnifier, magnolia, magnum, mahogany, maid, mail, mailbox, maillot, mailman, mainframe, maintain, maintenance, maison, majestic, major, make, make eye contact, make hole, make noise, make slick, make up, makeover, maki, mall, mallard, mallet, mallow, malt, malt (grain), mammal, mammoth, man, management, managerial, managing, mandarin, mane, maneuver, manga, mangrove, manhole, manicure, manifold, mannequin, manner, manor, mansion, mantel, mantis, mantle, mantra, manual, manual (book), manual of arms, manufacturer, manuscript, many, map, maple, maple leaf, mar, marathon, marble, mardi, mare, margarine, margarita, margin, margin (page), marigold, marijuana, marina, marinade, marinate, marine, mariner, marionette, mark, marker, market, marketplace, marmalade, marquee, marquee sign, marriage, marrow, marrow squash, marsh, marshmallow, marsupial, martial, martial arts, martini, marvel, marzipan, mascara, mascot, masculine, masculinity, mask, mason, masonry, masquerade, mass, mass of things, massage, masseuse, massive, mast, master, masterpiece, mastiff, mat, match, matchbook, matchbox, matchstick, mate, maternity, mathematics, matrix, matsuri, matter, mattress, maturation, mature, maturity, mausoleum, maximize, mayonnaise, mayor, mead, meal, mealtime, meaning, measure, meat, meatball, meaty, mechanism, medal, medalist, medallion, medallion (food), media, mediation, medical, medical infusion, medical instrument, medical practitioner, medicine, meditation, medium, meer, meerkat, meet, meeting, megabyte, megalith, megaphone, melancholy, melodic, melon, melt, melting, member, membrane, meme, memento, memo, memorize, memory, men, menorah, menswear, mental, mental health, mental hospital, mental image, mention, mentor, menu, menu (agenda), menu (food), merchandise, merchant, mercury, mercury (element), mercy, meringue, merino, merit, merry, mess, mess hall, mess meal, message, messenger, messy, metal forge, metal key, metal nut, metallic, metalwork, metamorphism, metamorphosis, metaphor, meteor, meteorology, method, metric, metropolitan, metropolitan person, mice, micro, microbe, microbiology, microphone, microprocessor, microscope, microwave, mid, midair, middle, midnight, midsection, midst, midsummer, midway, mightiness, mighty, migraine, migrate, migration, migratory, mildew, mile, militaristic, military, military service, military uniform, military vehicle, milk, milk chocolate, milkshake, milky, millennium, millet, millimeter, million, mime, mimic, minaret, mince, mind, mine, mini, miniature, minimalism, minimalist, miniskirt, minister, minivan, minority, minster, mint, minus, minute, minute distance, minute hand, miracle, mirage, mirror, mirroring, misc, mischief, mischievious, misconception, miserable, misery, misfortune, misprint, missile, mission, mist, mistake, mistletoe, mistress, mitigator, mitten, mix, mix-up, mixer, mixture, moat, mob, mocha, mod, modality, model, model (pose), modem, moderate, modern, modern era, modern font, modest, modification, modify, module, mohawk, moisture, moisturize, mold, molecular, molten, moment, momentum, monarch, monarchy, monastery, monetary, money, mongoose, monitor, monk, monkey, mono, monochromatic, monochrome, monogram, monolith, monotone, monsoon, monster, monstrous, montage, monthly, monument, mood, mood (mind), moody, moon, moonlight, mooring, moose, mop up, moral, morals, morph, morsel, mortality, mortar, mortar and pestle, mortarboard, mortgage, mosaic, mosquito, moss, mossy, mostra, moth, motherboard, motif, motion, motivation, motley, motocross, motor hotel, motorbike, motorboat, motorcycle sidecar, motorcyclist, mottled, mould, moulin, mountain, mountain climbing, mountain peak, mountainside, mourn, mourner, mourning, mouse, mousetrap, mousse, mouth, mouth piece, mouth-watering, mouthpiece, mouthwatering, move, move freely, move in a spiral, movement, mover, mover person, movie, mozzarella, mud, muddy, muddy up, mudflap, muesli, muffin, muffler, mug, mulberry, multi, multi-part, multicultural, multimedia, multiple, multiplex, multivitamin, munch, municipal, municipal (civic), munster, mural, muscat, muscial bow, muscle, muscle relaxation, muse, museum, mushroom, music, music (auditory), musical chord, musical composition, musician, musket, mussel, mussiness, mustache, mustang, mustard, mute, mutt, mutton, muzzle, muzzle (animal), muzzle (gun), mysterious, mystery, mystic, myth, mythical, mythology, nail, nail together, naive, naked, name, nameplate, nanny, napkin, narcissus, narrative, narrator, narrow, natal, nation state, national, nationality, nationally domestic, nationwide, native, natura, natural gas, natural law, nature, naughty, nautical, nautilus, naval, navel, navigation, navy, nearby, neat, nebula, nebulosity, necessity, neck, neckerchief, necklace, neckwear, necleus (astronomy), nectar, nectarine, needle, needlework, negative, negotiation, neighbor, neighborhood, neo-confederate, neoclassical, neon, nervous, nervous collapse, nest, nestling, net, network, neural, neurology, neutral, neutral character, new years eve, newborn, newlywed, newsletter, newspaper, newton, next, next day, nib, nibble, nibble bit, nibbling, niche, nickel, nicotine, nightclub, nightgown, nightlife, nightmare, nightwear, nighty, nimbus, ninja, nip, nipple, nipple cap, no person, nobility, noble, nocturnal, node, noir, noise, noisemaker, noisy, nomad, nonindulgent, nonprofessional, nonstandard, nonwhite, noodles, nook, noon, nordic, nori, norm, normal, nose, nostalgia, nostalgic, nostrils, notation, note, notebook, notepaper, notice, notification, nourish, nouveau, nova, novel, novelty, nozzle, nuclear, nuclear submarine, nucleus, nude, nudist, nugget, number, number four, numbness, nun, nurse, nurturing, nut, nutcase, nutcracker, nutmeg, nutrient, nutrition, nutritious, nutshell, nybble, nylon, nymph, oak, oar, oasis, oat, oath, oatmeal, oats porridge, obedience, obeisance, obelisk, objective, obligation, oblong, obscurity, observance, observation, observatory, observe, obsession, obsolete, obstacle, obstruct, obstruction, obverse, occasion, occlude, ocean, ocean cruise, oceanfront, ochre, octagon, octopus, odometer, odor, off in the corner, offender, offense, offense (sports), offensive hit, office, official, offset, offshore, offspring, oil, oil (liquid), oil refinery, oil tanker, oil well, oiler, oilseed, oily, ointment, old, old age, old fashioned, oldworld street, olio, olive oil, olive tree, omega, omelet, omnivore, one, one under, onion, online, onstage, opaque, open field, open path, openair, openly, openwork, opera, operate, operating room, operation, operator, opinion, opium, opportunity, opposition, optical, optical illusion, optics, optimism, optimistic, option, option (finance), optometry, oral, orange juice, orangutan, orbit, orchestra, orchids, order, ordinary, ore, oregano, organization, organizer, orientation, origami, origin, original, originate, ornate, ornithology, orthodontal, orthodoxy, oscillation, osprey, osteoporosis, ostrich, ostrich (figurative), otter, otto, outbreak, outcrop, outcry, outdated, outdoors, outer, outerwear, outfielder, outfit, outgoing, outgrowth, outing, outlet, outline, outlined, outside, outstanding, outstretched, outward, oval, ovation, oven, overcoat, overdose, overgrown, overhang, overhanging, overhead, overland, overlap, overlay, overload, overlook, overlord, overseer, overtime, overview, overwhelm, overworked, owe, owe (debt), owl, owner, owner (law), ownership, oxidation, oxygen, oyster, ozone, pace, pachyderm, pacific, pacifier, pack, pack of cards, package, packaging, packet, pad, paddle, paddock, paddy, padlock, padre, pagan, page, pageant, pageantry, pagoda, paid, pain, painkiller, paint, paintball, paintbrush, painter, painterly, painting, pair, paisley, pajamas, pal, palate, pale, paleontology, palette, palisade, pallet, palm, palm (hand), pamper, pan, pancake, panda, pandemic, pane, panel, panic, panorama, panoramic, pansy, pantie, pantomime, pants, pantyhose, paparazzi, papaya, papaya fruit, paper, paperboard, paperwork, paprica, papyrus, par, parachute, parade, paradise, paraglider, parakeet, parallel, paramedic, paramount, paranormal, parapet, parasail, paratrooper, parch, parched, parchment, parent, parfait, parish, park, park bench, parking lot, parkway, parliament, parlor, parquet, parquet (seating), parquetry, parrot, parsley, part, partial derivative, participate, participation, particle, particular, partition, partnership, parts alignment, party, pass, pass (document), pass (ticket), pass along, passage, passageway, passenger, passenger ship, passerine, passion, passport, password, pasta, pasteboard, pastel, pastime, pastor, pastoral, pastry, pasture, pat, patch, patchwork, patent, patently, patience, patient, patina, patio, patisserie, patrimony, patriotism, patrol, patron, pattern, paunchy, pause, pave, pavement, paving, paw, pawn, pay, pay back, payday, payment, paysage, pea, pea seed, peace, peace (no war), peacemaker, peach, peacock, peafowl, peak, peaky, peanut, pear, peasant, pecan, peck, pectoral, pedal, pedestal, pedestrian, pedicure, pedigree, pediment, peep, peer, peg, pelican, pellet, pelvis, penalty, penalty (sports), pencil, pendant, penetration, penguins, peninsula, pennant, penne, penned, penny, pensioner, pensive, pentagon, peony, people, pepper, peppercorn, peppermint, pepperoni, perception, percussion, percussion instrument, perennial, perennial coneflower, perfection, perforation, performance, perfume, perfumery, perimeter, period, periodic beat, peripheral, periphery, permeable, permeate, permission, permit, perpendicular, perplexity, persimmon, persistence, person, personal belief, perspective, perspiration, persuasion, pest, pestle, pesto, pet, petal, petite, petition, petrochemical, petroleum, phantasy, pharmacist, pharmacology, phase, phenomena, phenomenon, phil, philanthropy, philatelic, philately, philistine, philosopher, philosophy, phobia, phonograph record, photo, photocopy, photograph, photojournalism, photojournalist, photomicrograph, photosynthesis, photovoltaic, phrase, physcially force, physician, physics, physiology, physique, pianist, piano, pick, picker, picket, picket fence, picking, pickle, pickup, picnic, pictogram, pictograph, pictorial, picture frame, picturesque, pie, piece, pier, pierce, pigeon, pigeon hawk, piggyback, piglet, pigskin, pike, pile, pilfer, pill, pillow, pimento, pimple, pin, pinch, pinch (fingers), pine, pineapple, pinion, pinnacle, pinstripe, pint, pinto, pinup, pinwheel, pioneer, pipe, piquant, piquet, piracy, pirouette, pistachio, piste, pistil, pistol, piston, pit, pit (commodity exchange), pit (gound), pit (seed), pita, pitch, pitch (throw), pitcher, pivot, pixel, pizza, pizzeria, place, place setting, place upright, placid, plague, plaid, plain, plait, plan of action, planet, planet Neptune, planetarium, plank, planner, planning, plant, plant root, plantation, planter, plaque, plasma, plaster, plaster (paint), plastic, plate, plateau, platform, platinum, platter, play, play out, player, playground, playoff, playtime, plaza, plead, pleading, pleasant, pleasing, pleasure, pleat, pledge, pliant, pliers, plot, plot of ground, plow, plum, plumber, plumbing, plump, plus, plush, plywood, pneumatic, poach, poaching, pocket, pod, poem, poet, poetry, poinsettia, point, point of sail, pointer, pointy, poise, poised, poison, poisonous, poke, poker, polar, polar region, polarized, pole, poles, police, police squad, policy, polish, polish (substance), politician, polka, polka dot, poll, pollen, pollination, polluted, pollution, polo, polo shirt, polyester, polygon, pomegranate, ponder, pontoon, pony, ponytail, poodle, pool, poolside, pop, popcorn, pope, poplar, poppy, populace, popularity, populating, population, porcelain, porch, pore, pork, porous, porridge, port, portable, portage, portal, portal site, porter, portfolio, porthole, portion, portrait, portraying, pose, position, positivism, possession, possibility, possible, post, post office, postal, postcard, postmark, posture, pot, potassium, potato, potential, potion, pottery, pouch, poultry, pounce, pound, pout, powder, powdered sugar, power, power shovel, power station, practice, practitioner, prairie, praise, praline, prawn, praxis, prayer, preadolescent, precaution, precendence, precious, precipice, precipitation, precision, predator, predatory, prediction, predilection, preen, pregame, prehistoric, premature, premiere, premises, premium, premium (award), prenatal, preparation, prepare, preschool, prescribed, prescription, presentation, preserve, preserves, presidential, press, press between, press conference, pressing, pressure, prestige, preteen, pretense, pretty, pretzel, prevent, preview, prey, price, prickly, pride, pridefulness, priest, primate, primavera, prime, primitive, primrose, prince, princess, principal investor, principle, print, printer, printout, priority, prism, prisoner, pristine, privacy, private, privelege, prix, probe, problem, procedure, producer (maker), production, production input, profession, professional, professional person, professional soldier, professor, proficiency, profile, profit, profit from, profound, program, programmer, progress, prohibit, project, projectile, projection, projector, proliferate, prom, promenade, prominence, prominent, prominently, promise, promo, promontory, promoter, promoting, promotion, promotion advertisement, promptly, promulgation, prong, proof, proofreader, prop up, propaganda, propane, propel, propelled, propeller, propeller/fan, property, property (attribute), prophecy, prophet, prophet (person), proportion, proportionate, proposal, proprietor, prosciutto, prospect, prosperity, protect, protection, protocol, prototype, proud, provide, province, provincial, provision, provitamin A, provocative, prowl, prowling, pruning, pry, psyche, psychedelic, psychology, psychotic, pub, puberty, pubescent, public, public display, public notice, public profile, public show, public square, public transport, public utility, public walkway, publisher, puck, pucker, pudding, puddle, puff, puffed, puffy, pug, pull, pull tight, pulling, pulp, pulpy, pulse, pump, pumpkin, punch, punctuality, punctuation, puncture, pungent, punishment, punk, punt, pupil, pupils, puppet, puppy, purchase, pure, purebred, purifier, purity, purple, purport, purpose, purr, purse, pursuit, push, pushbutton, pushing, put, put on the line, put to bed, putt, putt (golf), putter, puzzle, pylon, pyramid, pyrotechnics, python, quack, quadrilateral, quadruplet, quail, quail bird, quaint, qualified, quality, quality (attribute), quarrel, quarter, quarter coin , quarterback, quartz, quayside, queen, quench, question, question mark, questionnaire, queue, quick, quick-witted, quickly, quicksilver, quiet, quill, quill pen, quilt, quince, quintessence, quite, quitely, rabbit, raccoon, race, race (competition), racehorse, racer, rack, racket, radar, radial, radiance, radiant, radiation, radical, radioactive, radiography, radiology, radish, raft, rafter, raftsman, rage, rageful, railway, rain, rainbow, raincoat, raindrop, rainforest, rainy, raise, raisin, rake, rally, rallye, ram, ramble, ramen, ramp, ramp (rage), rancher, random, random sample, randomness, range, rangefinder, rank, rap, rapeseed, rapids, raptor, rare, rarity, raspberry, raster, rat, rate, ratio, ration, rationale, rationality, rattan, rattle, rattlesnake, ravage, rave, raven, ravine, ravioli, raw material, razor, reaction, reaction (bodily), reaction force, reactor, reader, ready, real, real currency, realestate, realization, realm, realm (monarchy), realty, rear, reason, reassurance, rebate, rebate price, rebel, rebellion, receipt, receiver, receptacle, reception, receptionist, recession, recharge, recipe, recipient, recital, recliner, reclining, recognition, recommendation, reconstruction, record, recovery, recreation, recruit, recruiting, rectangular, recycling, red carpet, red meat, red wine, reddish, redecoration, redhead, reduce, reduction, redwood, reed, reef, reenactment, referee, reference, reference book, reference list, referendum, refill, refine, refinement, refinery, reflection, reflector, reflex, reform, refraction, refraction amount, refreshment, refrigerator, refuge, refund, refusal, refusing, regatta, regeneration, reggae, regimentals, regional, register, registration, regretful, regular, regulation, regulatory commission, rehabilitation, rehearsal, reign, reigning, reindeer, reinforce, reject, rejection, rejoice, rejoicing, rejuvenation, relation, relations, relationship, relaxation, relay, relay operation, relay team, release, reliable, relief, relieve, relieved, reliever, religion, religiosity, religious, religious belief, religious denomination, religious member, relish, relish condiment, relocate, relocation, remain firm, remainder, remains, remark, remarkable, rememberance, remembering, remembrance, reminder, remodel, remote, remote control, remover, renaissance, rend, renew, renovation, rent, rental, rep, repair, repairman, repayment, repeat, repetition, repetition drill, replica, report, reposition, representation, representation statement, representative, representing, reproduction, reptile, repudiation, request, rescue, research, reserve, reserved, reservoir, reside, residence, residences, residential, resignation, resin, resistance, resistivity, resolution, resonant boom, resonator, resort, resource, respect, respite, response, responsibility, rest, restaurant, restaurant check, restoration, restore, restrain, restraint, restriction, result, retail, retail sales, retain, retainer, retentiveness, retina, retiree, retreat, retriever, retro, return, reunion, reveal, revenue, reverence, reverse, revetment, review, revision, revival, revive, revolt, revolution, revolutionary, revolve, revolver, reward, rewind, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, rhinestone, rhinoceros, rhododendron, rhythm, rib, rice, riches, richness, ricochet, ricotta, riddle, ride, rider, ridge, riffle, rifle, rig, rigging, right, right hand, rigid, rigid bar, rigorous, rim, rind, ring, rink, rinse, rip, ripen, ripple, rise, rising strength, risk, risotto, rite, ritual, ritual custom, rival, river, riverbank, riverbed, road, roadside, roadster, roadway, roar, roaster, roasting, roasting person, robe, robin, robot, rock, rock climbing, rockabilly, rocker, rocker propulsion, rocket, rocket engine, rocking chair, rocky, rod, rodent, rodeo, roe, roll, roll along, roller, roller blade, rollerblading, rollerskating, rolling, rolling pin, rom, romance, romantic, romanticist, roof, roofer, rooftop, room, roost, roosting place, root, root vegetable, rope, rosary, rose, rose-colored, rosebud, rosette, rotary, rotate, rotate (screw), rotation, rotor, rotten, rotter, rotunda, rouble, rouge, rough, roulette, round, round object, round out, roundabout route, router, routine, routine precedure, row, row of words, rowan, rowanberry, rowboat, royal, royalty, rub, rubber, rubber (material), rubber stamp, rubberize, ruble, ruby, rudder, rudiment, rue, rug, rugby, ruin, ruined, rule, ruler, rum, rumba, ruminant, run, run out, runaway, rundown, runner, runners, running, runway, rupture, rural, rush, rust, rustic, rusty, rut, rut (wheel), rye, saber saw, sack, sackcloth, sacrament, sacred, sacrifice, saddle, sadness, safari, safe, safeguard, safety, saffron, sage, saguaro, sail, sailboat, sailing, saint, sake, sala, salad, salad bowl, salami, sale, salesclerk, salesperson, salmon, salmon fish, salon, salsa, salt, saltwater, salty, salute, salvage, salvation, samba, samba (dance), samba (music), sample, sampler, sampler assortment, samurai, sanctuary, sand, sandal, sandbank, sandbox, sandhill, sandstone, sandwich, sandy, sanitary, sanitation, sap, sapling, saponaceous, sapphire, sappy, sar, sardine, sarong, sash, sashimi, sassy, satchel, satellite, satin, satisfaction, satisfaction (law), satisfied, satisfy, saturation, saturation point, sauce, saucepan, saucer, sauerkraut, sauna, sausage, saute, sauteed, savage, savanna, saver, savings, savior, savoury, saw, sawdust, sawmill, scaffolding, scalable, scale, scallop, scalpel, scaly, scamper, scampi, scan, scanner, scanning, scape, scar, scarcity, scare, scarecrow, scared, scarf, scarp, scary, scatter, scavenger, scene, scenery, scenic, schedule, schema, schematic, scheme, schnauzer, scholar, scholarly, school, school of fish, schoolboy, schoolgirl, schoolwork, schoolyard, schooner, science, science laboratory, scientific, scientist, scissors, scone, scoop, scooter, scorch, score, score (sports), scoreboard, scornful, scout, scrapbook, scrape, scraper, scraping, scraping (action), scream, screaming, screen, screw, screw (engineering), screwdriver, scribble, script, scriptural, scripture, scrub, scrutinize, scrutiny, scuba, scull, sculpt, sculptor, sculpture, scum, sea, sea anemone, sea seal, seabird, seafaring, seafood, seafront, seagulls, seal, seam, seamless, seamlessly, searchlight, seascape, seashell, seashore, seaside, season, seasoning, seat, seated, seaweed, secede, secluded, seclusion, secondary, secrecy, secret, secret shopper, secretary, section, section part, sector, secure, security, security system, sedan, sediment, sedimentary, seduction, seed, seed of inspiration, seedcase, seek, seesaw, segment, segregation, seize, self, self-employed, sell, semaphore, semiconductor, seminar, semitrailer, senate, send message, sender, senior, sensation, sense, sense of smell, sensitivity, sentence, sentry, separation, sepia, sepia pigment, sequence, sequin, sequoia, serene, serial publication, series, serious, seriousness, serum, servant, server, service, serving dish, sesame, session, set, set in motion, set union, set up, set up camp, settee, setter, settle, settler, settling, setup, several, several of, sew, sewage, sewer, sewing, sewing machine, sex, sexiness, sexy, shabby, shackle, shade, shadiness, shadow, shady, shaft, shagged, shaggy, shake, shaker, shale, shallot, shallow, shame, shampoo, shank, shape, shard, share, share (commonality), shares, sharing, shark, sharp, sharpener, shatter, shattered, shave, shaver, shawl, shears, shed, sheen, sheep, sheepdog, sheet, sheet (pane), sheet booklet, shelf, shell, shell (food), shellac, shellfish, shelter, shepherd, shepherding, sheriff, shield, shift, shimmer, shine, shingle, shining, ship, ship deck, shipment, shipwreck, shipyard, shirt, shirtless, shiva, shoal, shock, shocking blow, shoe, shoe neck, shoelace, shoot, shop, shopper, shopping, shopping bag, shopping cart, shore, shorebird, shoreline, short, short pants, short sleeve, shortbread, shot, shot glass, shotgun, shoulder, shoulder bag, shout, shouting, shovel, shovelful, shoveling, show, show off, showcase, shower, showjumping, showroom, showy, shred, shrimp, shrine, shrub, shrubbery, shut, shutter, shuttle, shuttlecock, shy, siamese, sibling, sick, side, side dish, side view, sidecar, sidelight, sideline, siesta, sight, sightseeing, sign, signage, signal, signalise, signature, signboard, significance, signpost, silence, silent, silhouette, silhouetted, silica, silicon, silk, sill, silly, silo, silver, silverware, silvery, similar, similarity, simple, simplicity, simplistic, simply, simulation, sin, sincerity, sine, singer, singh, single, singularity, sip, sir, sirloin, sit, sit down, site, sitting, situation, size, sizzle, skate, skateboard, skater, skates, skein, skeletal, sketch, sketch out, sketchbook, sketchy, skewer, skewered, ski pole, ski resort, ski slope, skid, skidder, skier, skill, skillet, skillful, skim, skim over, skim read, skin, skin complexion, skinny, skip, skirmish, skirt, skittish, skull, sky, skydiving, skylight, skyline, skyrocket, skyscape, skyscraper, slab, slalom, slam, slam (impact), slam (sound), slap, slate, slate covering, slate tablet, slave, slavery, slavic, sled, sledge, sledging, sleek, sleep, sleeper, sleeping, sleepy, sleeve, sleeveless, sleigh carrying, slender, slice, slice of, slick, slide, sliding, slim, slime, slimy, sling, slip, slipper, slippery, slipping, slit, slither, slobberer, slope, slope of line, slot, slow, slug, slush, smart, smash, smear, smell, smelt, smile, smiley, smily, smirk, smirking, smith, smog, smoke, smoker, smokestack, smokey, smoky, smooth, smoothie, sms, smudge, snag, snail, snake, snake eyes, snap, snap fingers, snapper, snapper fish, snapshot, snarl, snatch, sneak, sneakers, sneer, sneeze, sneezing, sniff, sniper, snooker, snorkeling, snout, snow, snow-white, snowball, snowboard, snowboard gear, snowcapped, snowdrift, snowfield, snowflake, snowman, snowmobile, snowmobile (vehicle), snowscape, snowshoe, snowstorm, snowy, snug, soak, soap, soar, soaring, soccer, soccer ball, soccer field, soccer player, social dancer, socialism, socialist economy, society, sock, socket, soda, sofa, soft economy, soft edges, soft material, soft wood, softball, softness, software, soil, solar, solar energy, solar system, sold, solder, soldered, soldier, sole, solemn, solid, solid block, solid build, solidarity, solitaire, solitude, solo, solo perform, solstice, solution, somber, sombrero, sommelier, son, song, songbird, songwriter, sonic, soot, soothing, sooty, sophisticated, sophistication, soprano, sorbet, sorcerer, sorceress, sorcery, sore, sorority, sorrel, sorrow, souk, soul, sould (embodiment), soulfulness, sound, sound echo, sounding, soup, sour, sour cream, sour grass, sour taste, source, source (of agent), source (origin), sourish, sourness, souvenir, sow, soy, soy sauce, space, spacecraft, spaceship, spacious, spade, spaghetti, spaghetti pasta, spam, span, spandex, spaniel, spar, spare, spare time, spark, sparking, sparkle, sparkler, sparkling, sparrow, sparse, spatula, spawn, speaker, spearmint, special, speciality, specialized, species, specification, specimen, spectacular, spectator, spectral, spectrum, speculation, speculator, speechless, speed, speedometer, speedway, speedy, spell, sphere, spherical, sphinx, spice, spiced, spider, spiderweb, spike, spill, spill out, spin, spinach, spinal, spindle, spine, spinner, spiny lobster, spiral, spirit, spirited, spirituality, spitz, splash, splashing, splat, splendid, splinter, split, spoiler, spoke, sponge, sponge cake, sponsor, spontaneous, spoon, spore, sport, sportive, sports bout, sports equipment, sports fan, sportsman, sportswear, sporty, spot, spotlight, spotty, spout, sprawl, spray, sprayer, spread, spreadsheet, spree, spring, springtime, springy, sprinkler, sprinkles, sprint, sprinter, sprocket, sprout, spruce, spur, spurt, spy, squad, square, square (oar), squarely, squash, squash racquets, squash vine, squat, squatting, squeeze, squid, squiggle, squirrel, squirt, st patricks day, stab, stability, stable, stableness, stack, stacks, stadion, stadium, staff, stag, stage, stagecoach, stain, stained glass, stainless steel, stalactite, stale, stall, stallion, stamen, stamina, stamp, stance, stand, stand by, stand up, standardize, standout, standup, stapes, staple, stapler, star, star anise, starch, starfish, staring, starlet, starlight, starling, starry, start, starve, state of absence, statement, static, station, stationary, stationery, statistics, stats, statuary, statue, status badge, status quo, steadiness, steak, steal, stealth, steam, steamer, steamship, steed, steel, steep, steering wheel, stellar, stemware, stencil, step, steppe, stepping, steps, stereo, stereoscope, stereoscopic, sterile, sterling, stern, stethoscope, stew, stick, sticky, stiff, stigma, stigma (animal), stile, stiletto, still, still life, stilt, stimulation, stinger, stir, stirrup, stitch, stock, stock exchange, stomach, stomatology, stone, stonewall, stoneware, stonework, stool, stoop, stoop forward, stop, stop moving, stoplight, stopper, stopwatch, storage, storage basin, storing, stork, storm, stout, stout (person), stove, straight, straightedge, strain, strainer, strait, strand, strand (pattern), stranded, strange, strap, strapless, strategic, strategy, stratosphere, straw, strawberry, strawberry plant, stray, stray animal, stream, streamer, streamer (flag), street, streetlight, strength, strengthen, stress, stress force, stretch, stretch out, stretcher, strict, stride, strike, striker, string, string together, stringed instrument, stripe, striped, strive, stroboscope, stroll, stroller, strong, stronghold, struggle, struggling effort, strum, stub, stubble, stucco, stud, student, studhorse, studio, studious, study, study composition, stuff, stump, stunner, stunning, stupa, sturdy, sty, style, style guide, stylishness, stylist, stylized, stylus, stylus tool, subaquatic, subject, subject to, submarine, submerged, submission, substance, substantial, substitute, subtraction, subtropics, suburb, suburban, subway system, subway train, succeed, success, succession, succulent, sucker, suckling, sudden bang, sudden blush, sudden increase, suds, suede, sugar, sugarcoat, sugary, suggest, suggestion, suggestive, suit, sulfur, sulfur preserving, sultanate, sultriness, sum, sum total, summary, summer, summery, summon, summplement, sun, sunbather, sunbeam, sunblind, sunburst, sundial, sundress, sunflower, sunglasses, sunlit, sunny, sunscreen, sunset, sunshade, suntan, super, superficial, superhero, superior, supermarket, supermodel, supernatural, supernova, supervise, supervision, supervisor, supper, supplement, supply, support, supporter, supreme, sure, surf, surface, surfboard, surfboarding, surge, surgeon, surgery, surgical, surprise, surreal, surrender, surrendered , surrogate, surround, surveillance, survey, surveyor, survival, survivor, sushi, suspend, suspension, suspension bridge, suspicion, sustainability, suture, suzuki, swab, swallow, swamp, swan, swatch, sway, sweater, sweatshirt, sweaty, sweep, sweet, sweetening, sweetheart, sweetmeat, sweety, swell, swerve, swift, swiftness, swimmer, swimming, swimming pool, swimsuit, swine, swing, swirl, swirly, swish, switch, switchboard, swivel, swollen, swoosh, sword, swosh, sycamore, sycophant, symbol, symmetric, symmetrical, sympathy, symphonic, symphony, synagogue, synchronization, synergy, synthesizer, synthetic, synthetic compound, synthetic origin, syringe, syrup, system, tab, tabby, table, table knife, tablecloth, tabletop, tableware, tabloid, tack, tackle, tackling, taco, tactic, tag, tagliatelle, tail, tail rudder, taillight, take, take to, takeoff, takeout, talent, talk, talker, tallest, talon, tame, tan, tangential, tangerine, tangle, tango, tank, tannin, tape, tape record, tapered, tapestry, tapis, tar, tarantula, tardy, target, tarmac, tarnish, tarot, tarp, tart, tassel, taste, tasty, tatter, tattered, tattoo, taurus, tavern, tax, taxonomic kingdom, tea, teacher, teacup, teak, team sport, teammate, teamwork, teapot, tear, teardrop, tease, teaspoon, teatime, technical, technical school, technique, techno, technological, technology, teddy, tee, teeth, telecommunication, telecommuting, telegraph, telemarketing, telephone, telephoto, telescope, television, teller, temperament, temperature, tempest, template, temple, tempo, temporary, temporary knot, tempt, temptation, tempting, tempura, tenderloin, tendril, tenement, tennis, tennis ball, tennis match, tennis player, tennis racket, tense, tension, tent, tentacle, tequila, term, terminal, terminate, terra, terrain, terrestrial, terrible, terrier, terrified, territory, terror, terrorize, tessellation, test, testament, testimonial, text, text file, textbook, textile, texture, thank you, thatch, thaw, the press, theater, theatre, theatrical, theft, theme, theme park, theory, therapeutic, therapist, therapy, thermal, thermic, thermometer, thick, thief, thigh, thimble, thin, thing, thinker, thinning, thirst, thirstiness, thirsty, thirty, thistle, thorax, thoroughbred, thoroughfare, thread, threading, threat, three, thrift, thrill, thriving, throat, throat (physical), throne, throughout, throw away, thumb, thumb through, thumbtack, thunder, thunderbolt, thunderstorm, thyme, tiara, ticket, ticket stub, tickle, tidal, tide, tidy, tie, tie down, tie dye, tiger, tight, tighten, tigress, tile, till, tillage, tilt, timber line, time, time continuity, time to come, timeless, timeout, timepiece, timer, timetable, timidity, tincture, tine, tinsel, tint, tiny, tip, tip off, tipper, tiptoe, tire, tissue, titanium, title, title-holder, tittup, to perfect, to tango, toadstool, toast, toaster, tobacco, toddler, toe, tofu, togetherness, toiletries, token, token item, tolerate, toleration, toll, toll bell, toll fee, tomato, tomato sauce, tombstone, tome, tomentum, tomorrow, tongs, tongue, tonic, tons, tool, toolbox, tooling, tooth, tooth decay, toothache, toothbrush, toothpaste, toothpick, toothy, top, top side, top wear, topiary, topic, topless, topography, topple, toque, torch, torn, tornado, torque, torso, torte, tortellini, tortilla, tortoise, toss, toss (throw), totem, touch, touchdown, touchy, tough, tourism, tourist, touristy, tournament, tout, tow, towel, tower, towing, town, town hall, townhouse, townscape, township, toxic, toxicant, toxin, toy, trace, tracery, track, track and field, tracksuit, traction, tractor, trade, trade good, trade protection, trading firm, trading floor, traditional, traffic, traffic jam, trail, trailer, trailer hitch, trailer truck, train, train station, trainee, trainer, trait, tram, tramway, tranquility, transaction, transfer, transformation, transistor, transition, translate, translation, translucent, transmission, transmit, transmitter, transmutation, transom, transparence, transparency, transparentness, transportation system, trap, trapeze, trash, travel, travel companion, traverse, trawler, tray, tread, treadmill, treasure, treasury, treat, treater, treatment, treaty, treble, tree, tree log, tree stump, trek, trellis, tremendous, tremulous light, trench, trench mortar, trend, trendy, trespass, trestle, tri, trial, triangle, triangular, tribal, tribe, tribunal, tribune, tribute, triceps, trick, trick (work), trick or treat, trickery, trickle, tricolor, tricycle, trident, trigger, trim, trimmer, trio, trip (journey), triple, tripod, tripper, troll, trolleybus, troop, trophy, tropical, tropical forest, trot, trotter, trouble, trough, trouser, trout, trowel, truck, true, truffle, trumpeter, trunk, truss, trust, trustworthy, trusty, truth, try out, tsar, tsunami, tub, tube, tuber, tufa, tuft, tugboat, tulip, tulle, tumble, tumbler, tuna, tuna fish , tundra, tuner, tungsten, tunic, tunnel, turbine, turbulence, turf, turmeric, turn, turner, turning, turning point, turnip, turntable, turntrack, turquoise, turquoise mineral, turret, turtle, turtleneck, tusk, tussle, tussock, tutor, tutorial, tutu, tweak, tween, twigs, twin, twine, twinge, twinkle, twins, twirl, twist, twisting, twisty, two, twosome, type, typescript, typeset, typewriter, typical, typographic, typography, ufo, ultimate, ultrasound, ultraviolet, umbrella, umpire, unalterable, unborn, unbutton, uncertainty, unclear, unclothed, uncomfortable, uncommon, uncomplete, uncompleted, unconfirmed, uncooked, uncultivated, undead, undercarriage, underground stash, underline, underslung, understand, understanding, undertaking, underwater, underwear, underworld, undisclosed, undivided, undomesticated, undress, undulation, unemployment, unending, uneven, unfavorable judgment, unfinished, unfocused, unfold, unfolding, ungulate, unhappy, unhealthy, unhygienic, uni, unidentified, uniform, unify, uninhabited, union, unique, unique to, unit, unite, united, unity, universe, university, unknown, unlatch, unload, unloading, unlock, unnatural, unorthodox, unpack, unpeeled, unprocessed, unrealistic, unrecognizable, unresolved, unripe, unshaven, unsmiling, unsophisticated, unstable, unsupported, untidy, untouched, unused, unusual, unusual , unwieldly, unwind, upclose, update, upgrade, uphill, upholstery, upper, uppercase, upright, uprising, upscale, upset, upset state, upstairs, uptown, upwards, ural, urban, urgency, urgent, urine, urn, use, user, utensil, uterus, utility, utilization, utopic, vacancy, vacant, vacation, vaccination, vacillate, vacuum, vague, valentines day, valid, validation, valley, valuable, value, valve, valves, vampire, vandalism, vanilla, vanish, vanishing point, vapor, vaporization, variant, variation, varicolored, varied, variegate, various, varnish, varsity, varsity (university), vascillate, vascular, vase, vaseline, vat, vault, veal, vector, vectors, vegetable, vehicle, vehicle hood, vehicle window, veil, veiled, vein, vellum, velo, velum, velvet, veneer, venise, venom, vent, ventilation, venture, venue, veranda, verdant, verdict, verdure, verify, vermin, vermouth, vertebra, vertebrate, vertical, vest, vet, veteran, veterinarian, via, viaduct, vibrant, vibrator, vice, vicinity, vicious, victimize, victorian, victory, video, video recording, videotape, viewer, viewfinder, vigil, vignette, vignetting, vigor, vigorous, villa, ville, vin, vine, vinegar, vineyard, vintage, vintner, vinyl, viola, violent, violet, violin, violinist, vip, viper, viral vector, virgin, virile, virtual, virtual reality, visa, visage, visibility, vision, visionary, visionless, visor, visual arts sculpture, visualization, visuals, vitality, vitamin, viticulture, vocabulary, vodka, vogue, voice, void, voidance, voile, volcanic, volcano, volley, volleyball, volleying, volt, voltage, voltage spike, volume, volunteer, voluptuous, voodoo, vortex, vote, voucher, voyage, vulnerability, vulture, waders, wafer, waffle, wager, wagon, wail, wailing, waist, wait, waiter, waitress, wake, wake up, walk, walker, walking stick, wall, wallaby, wallet, wallpaper, walnut, wand, wanderer, wanderlust, war, war veteran, warbler, ward, wardrobe, ware, warehouse, warming up, warmly, warmth, warning, warrant, warrior, warship, wasabi, wash, wash off, washcloset, washer, washing, washroom, wasp, waste, wasteland, wat, watch, watch over, watchband, watchtower, water, water bottle, water closet, water line, water sports, water trough, water-color, watercolor, watercolor painting, watercraft, waterdrop, waterfall, waterfowl, waterfront, watering can, waterlily, watermark, watermelon, waterproof, waterside, waterway, watt, wattage, wattle, wave, waveform, waver, wax, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, weaponry, wear, wear jacket, weather, weathervane, weaver, weaving, web, web together, webcam, website, wedding, wedding ring, wedge, weed, weight, weight down, weightless, weightlifting, weird, welcome, welder, welfare, well, well out, well-being, wellbeing, wellspring, wet, wetlands, wetsuit, whale, wheat, wheaten, wheatgrass, wheel, wheelchair, wheelie, whelp, whimsical, whip, whipped cream, whippersnapper, whirl, whirlpool, whisk, whisker, whisky, whisper, whistle, whistling, white clover, white wine, whitespace, whitewash, whitewash over, whole, wholesale, wholesome, wick, wickedness, wicker, wicket, wide, wide-ranging, width, wig, wild, wild boar, wildcat, wildfire, wildflower, wildlife, willow, win, win all, winch, winch up, wind, wind turbine, winding, windmill, window, window-shopper, windshield, windsurf, windy, wine, wine bottle, wineglass, winemaking, winery, winetasting, wing, wingspan, wink, winner, winnings, winter, wintry, wipe, wire, wireless, wireless communication, wireless local area network, wisdom, wise, wish, wisp, wispy, witch, witchcraft, withdrawal, withered, without deviation, witness, wobble, wok, wolf, woman, wonder, wonderment, wood, woodcut, wooden, wooden branch, wooden peg, wooden spoon, wooden stick, woodgrain, woodlet, woodpecker, woodpile, woody, woofer, wool, wool coat, word of advice, work, work (job), workbench, workbook, worker, workplace, workstation, workwear, worldly, worm, worn, worried, worship, worthless, wound, wow, wrap, wrapping paper, wreath, wreck, wreckage, wrench, wrestling, wrinkle, wrist, wristband, wristwatch, write, write about, writer, writing, written, written matter, written report, wrong, xray, yacht, yak, yang, yard, yarn, yawn, yeast, yell, yellowish, yen, yes, yield, yin, yoga, yogurt, young, young bird, young lady, younger, youth, yucca, yum, yuppie, zap, zap (hit), zebra, zero coordinate, zig-zag, zigzag, zinc, zinnia, zip up, zodiac, zodiac (constellation), zombie, zone, zoo, zoology, zoom, zucchini
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    Identifies a variety of concepts in images and video including objects, themes, and more. Trained with over 10,000 concepts and 20M images.
  • Last Updated
    Feb 18, 2025
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