• Use Case

    Predictive Maintenance

    Save maintenance and inspection costs and increase the lifespan of capital assets with AI-powered visual search.

    1,000 free operations monthly.

Save costs, prevent downtime, and detect failures before they happen using AI-driven predictive maintenance.


Reduction in downtime


Reduction in maintenance costs


ROI on initial investment

On-Demand Webinar

How to Implement AI-driven Predictive Maintenance

See how AI can help you predict when capital equipment and infrastructure need maintenance and repairs and detect failures earlier, faster, and more accurately than humans.

What is predictive maintenance?

Transform predictive maintenance using AI-automated visual inspection

With AI-powered visual search and Clarifai’s deep learning algorithm monitor the performance and condition of equipment to reduce the likelihood of failures, lengthen inspection times, and increase the life of capital assets.

  • Equipment monitoring

    Manufacturers can implement safeguards that notify the right people when a piece of equipment needs to be inspected. Build AI models to anticipate the likelihood of a potential breakdown before it occurs. Identify which equipment is at greatest risk of failing, allowing maintenance teams to respond accordingly.

  • Maintenance scheduling

    Supply Chain Operators can build models to inform the team how long an asset, system, or component could be offline, allowing them to plan accordingly.

  • Asset planning

    OEMs can collect data from customers’ equipment and build models to provide their customers with insights and equipment-specific maintenance schedules.


  • Asset efficiency

    Public sector agencies can use computer vision and machine learning to monitor operations more efficiently, and better manage supply chain operations. See when new parts and overhauls will be required, keeping expensive assets, like helicopters, aircraft, and weapons systems in use longer. Address time-consuming FMECAs by running models that can predict patterns based on different asset environments.

Visual Predictive Maintenance for Aircraft

Optimize maintenance and asset availability with computer vision and AI.


Capture AI-based risk predictions through continuous visibility into asset health and delay capital expenditures, physical inspections, and downtime.

  • Get early warning notifications ahead of potential problems.

    Stop machines from failing and avoid unplanned downtime.

    Reduce unscheduled repairs during off hours and in remote locations.

  • Get a better handle of asset replacement planning and delay CapEx.

    Lengthen time between physical inspections.

    Contribute to employee safety and business continuity.

Why Clarifai

Best-in-class deep learning platform and advanced visual search models to gain insights into asset health.

  • 1000s of pre-trained models and workflows

    Take advantage of Clarifai Community! All of the best AI resources are in one locations. Discover pre-trained models and workflows for you to use from Clarifai and other leading AI builders.

  • Integrated AI-lifecycle platform

    Grow into one platform that integrates search, training, and prediction capabilities for multiple use cases.

  • Flexible deployment options

    Deploy on any cloud (AWS, Azure and Google Cloud), bare-metal with air-gapped options and on edge devices.

  • Automated MLOps

    Speed product indexing and data labeling using AI automated annotation and generate deeper metadata and training data.

Enterprise companies turn to Clarifai’s Computer Vision and AI technology to increase efficiency and return an impact.


  • Fortune 50 Retailer

    Improving the customer experience with Snap and Search.

    Read their story
  • Home Goods Retailer

    Connecting customers to the products that match their style.

    Read their story
  • Medical Diagnostic Company

    Using AI on mobile devices for disease diagnosis.

    Read their story
  • Ready to get started?

    Whether you're a start-up or a Fortune 500, we'd like to discuss a personalized plan that fits your business use cases.

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    1,000 free operations per month.

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    If you're encountering a technical or payment issue, the customer support team will be happy to assist you.

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