App Overview

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Facebook Automatic Speech Recognition

This app contains great models and workflows built by Facebook (now known as Meta) that you can use in your apps to carry out automatic speech recognition (ASR). You can use the models to perform accurate speech-to-text transcription in several languages. They will help you to effectively transcribe audio content into written words.

These models are extremely useful to anyone who wants to produce a lot of written content without manually typing the words. They are also valuable to persons with disabilities who cannot use a keyboard.

Explore all the different models!

Transcription Models

Transcribe Dutch Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert Dutch audio to Dutch text. Simply upload a Dutch audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.

Transcribe English Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert English audio to English text. Simply upload an English audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.

Transcribe Noisy English Telephone Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert noisy English telephone audio to English text. Simply upload an English audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.

Transcribe French Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert French audio to French text. Simply upload a French audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.

Transcribe German Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert German audio to German text. Simply upload a German audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.

Transcribe Italian Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert Italian audio to Italian text. Simply upload an Italian audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.

Transcribe Polish Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert Polish audio to Polish text. Simply upload a Polish audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.

Transcribe Portuguese Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert Portuguese audio to Portuguese text. Simply upload a Portuguese audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.

Transcribe Spanish Audio to Text

  • Use this model to easily and quickly convert Spanish audio to Spanish text. Simply upload a Spanish audio file from your local computer or add a publicly accessible audio URL, and the model will output the transcribed text.
  • Description
    App for automatic speech recognition
  • Base Workflow
  • Last Updated
    Aug 04, 2022
  • Default Language
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