App Overview

Welcome to ActiveLifeAI Overview page

Clarifai app is a place for you to organize all of the content including models, workflows, inputs and more.

For app owners, API keys and Collaborators have been moved under App Settings.

  • Description
    "AI ActiveLife" is a sophisticated Streamlit application designed to assist users in developing personalized health and fitness regimes. It intelligently crafts individualized exercise and diet plans based on user-specific data, such as physical measurements, dietary preferences, and wellness objectives. The app leverages advanced algorithms and integrates with external APIs, ensuring that each routine is tailored to the user's unique needs. It features a user-friendly interface, allowing easy input of personal data, and includes a sidebar for summarizing analyses and facilitating the download of routines. Additionally, "AI ActiveLife" supports PDF generation for routines, making it convenient for users to save and refer to their plans. This application is an ideal tool for anyone seeking a customized approach to achieving their health and fitness goals.
  • Base Workflow
  • Last Updated
    Jan 22, 2024
  • Default Language
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