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March 1, 2017

Search Images On Slack With Clarifai’s Visual Recognition Technology

Table of Contents:

Our partners at Stamplay made a slick and easy way to integrate Clarifai’s visual recognition technology with Slack, so you can search your images on Slack and use them to train your own custom visual recognition model – all without writing a single line of code!

If you’re like us, you practically live in Slack. And, if you’re like us, you can probably never find that one image someone sent you two months ago that you really, really need again. Well, our friends over at Stamplay have built a handy integration for Clarifai and Slack called a “Blueprint” that lets you search images on Slack using Clarifai’s powerful visual recognition technology. Not only can you search images, but you can also feed them back to Clarifai with a simple Slash Command to train your own custom visual recognition model without a single line of code!


Here’s everything you can do with Stamplay’s Clarifai x Slack Blueprint:

  • Create new models and add concepts to it
  • Extract content from images
  • Search images by concepts or by similarities with other images
  • Add new inputs with concepts associated with it
  • Train models

Excited to get started? Onward to the tutorial!

1. Get a Clarifai API Key
First, get a free Clarifai API Key by creating an account. Navigate to Applications and create a new one:


Once the application is created, copy the Client ID and Client Secret – we’re going to need them in a couple of minutes.


2. Creating the Slack Slash Command
This application is available as a Stamplay Blueprint, a pre-built integration that can be deployed in your Stamplay account with minimum effort. If you don’t have an account already, click here to create a Stamplay account!

If you haven’t heard of Stamplay, you should give the service a try. They make it easy for people to consume APIs and mashup services to create powerful business apps that automate day to day activities. Stamplay fills the gap between tools like Zapier (easy to use but good only for basic use cases) and Mulesoft (very powerful but actually usable only by very technical profiles).

You’ll be prompted to pick a name for your project and then a wizard will start. After that, Stamplay will prompt you to:

  • provide Clarifai credentials
  • Connect your Slack account

The configuration is almost complete – the only thing left to do is to configure the Slash command on Slack. Once you have connected the services click on Next. 

The last view of the setup process will show the instructions to setup the Slack slash command, a URL is displayed and will look like this:


Copy it and save it for later.


3. Configuring the Slack command
Let’s create and configure the Slack command.

Open and make sure that the same organization that you’ve connected to this blueprint previously is selected in the upper right corner.


Select Slash Command custom integration (if you don’t see it listed, you can add it. Search it from the App Directory search bar on the top!) and create a New configuration.

Here you decide which command your users will have to type (we used /clarifai) and provide a URL – the one we copied a few seconds ago.


Other fields in this view let you customize the look of the command with a name and an icon. The thing you don’t want to miss is the Autocomplete section so you can add the slash command to the autocomplete list and add some usage hints.


Now you’re all set. Go to Slack and start typing “/clarifai help” to see all the commands that you can use. Easy, right?


If you have any feedback or questions tweet our partners at @stamplay and/or join the Stamplay Slack organization. Enjoy!